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Hello again!

The basic stage is completed, as well as the animation viewer and enemy egg spawn, but I've hit a snag with the last part of the update, which is the animation controller.

An animation controller will allow players to move forward/backwards on the animation loops, and also change the speed and even pause or change the loop amount for each animation phase.

The issue is that I went a bit wild with some of the animations when it comes to the code and logic, and now I have to deal with a lot of different and unique corner cases if I want to let the players dynamically control them. Basically, the ero animations work fine if they are just "going forward" in terms of phase control (phase 0 is the grab, it loops for X cycles, then move to phase 1, loops X cycles, phase 2, etc), but as soon as I introduce the concept of rewinding, then things start to break because my original implementation of the logic didn't anticipate for this haha.

All that is to say that I won't be able to release the full gallery update just yet. By now you already know my pattern, so I'll once again set the release date to be at the end of February.

I'll continue working to find a good solution to the animation control as I don't want to scrap this feature, so I might even end up adding even more spaghetti code in there to make things just work. And as usual I'll also try to sneak up some more interesting new enemies in the update as well, besides the one that was already planned and can turn people to stone.

As always thank you for your kindness and support.

Best Regards,



Antaeus Rhodes

Your diligence in working on these issues, learning with each mistake, and giving the audience what they want are some of the best qualities to have in a game developer. I look forward to the completed project. My only regret is my wallet can only give so much to fund your efforts. Keep up the good work! ;)

Tim L Voice

It's cool! How soon gallery'll be in game?