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Hello again everyone!


UPDATE#1: Removed "User Data" folder from the original upload. It was my debug saves and it might have messed up your game settings, notably the fetish toggles. Please double check your settings, if the toggles are off the ero scenes won't play. Copy your own clean User Data folder from the previous game version into the new version's folder for the proper progression.
UPDATE#2: Fixed the boss not being able to grab Maya when fainted.


First and foremost, I want to give a heartfelt thank you to everyone who sent me kinds words of encouragement and support. It helped me quite a lot to get back on my feet and return to full gear. You've all been amazing, so thank you very much!

And to better clarify it for everyone, my unfortunate slump of these past 2 months was mostly relating to my creative work and thankfully it wasn't full blown life depression, which is something that should be taken very seriously.

It was just the age old writer's block that drained all of my productivity, with a tinge of impostor's syndrome to make things worse. I always thought myself immune to those afflictions, but I was proven wrong hehe.

I'm just happy to say that I'm fully past the slump and back to my usual pace, so that's great!

And on that note, I've completed the development of the update and I'm releasing it today for your enjoyment, and thus closing this 3 month dev cycle that went for way too long!

As always, for a more detailed breakdown please refer to the attached text file (at the bottom of this post) that contains the full change-log, but the summary is:

1) A new boss fight (with 3 ero scenes).
2) A new stage.
3) Four new enemies in that stage.
4) Therefore a total of 7 new ero scenes.

Speaking of the boss fight, I've got a feeling that she ended up being way too difficult of a fight, so please give it a try and let me know if it's too hardcore and I'll adjust her numbers.

After you defeat the new boss, you get access to the new stage which is meant to be the final one (and leads to the arena of the true final boss of the game). This stage is quite rough and difficult, so take your time to analyse the layout and procede carefully until you reach the safety of a save point.

And finally, the update brings 4 new tough enemies to make the stage even more nightmarish.

And with this update out of the way, I'm already working on the next one where I'll finally create the gallery mode for your viewing pleasure. I'll go into more details of what I plan to do here in the next post early January. Hopefully the gallery development will be a single month dev-cycle so I expect to release it at the end of January as well.

Speaking of next year, I'll very soon also make a post to talk about the roadmap of the upcoming final year of development of MKM. I'll detail which features will be getting added and which ones will get the cut.

And I think this about wraps it up for this year. Again, thank you very much for your continued support, and I'm pumped to be nearing the end of development because I'm doubly pumped to start working on new game projects.

I hope that you had a fantastic end of year celebrations and wish you the best. Here's to more great content in the future! Cheers!

Best Regards,




Hi, i already explored the new are, great work with the enemies. I noticed a bug where the new boss gets stuck on you after the first ero scene and wont grab you again.


I'm glad that you've enjoyed it! Hmmm I thought I fixed that bug. Did you download the lastest upload? The file should have the name "_fixed2". Please let me know, and if it is still happening I'll look into the bug again.


Hey! Just saying I loved your update a lot! Also about your depression mood. You know we all understand some times we have some bad mood moments. I had that too. My passion it's making animations 3D and it happened lately. We just need to relaxe our mind a little. Also take a breath outside of your job. In plus always when you release a new update its always a great work so don't worry of how much long it takes. 😊. Can't wait for the sequel of this awesome game. And to be honest the best erotic game I ever play. In fact I play just your game cause nobody did better. 🤭😊. The controls are really cool skills. The shop will be interesting. Finally your idea of making a giantess interest me a loooot 🥰. Your game have something so beautiful and it's the fact that you have all types in your games. Everyone will find what they love 😉😊😊. I wish you great success and I'll keeping paid your service. Cause you deserve it and it's important to let you know that. You have all our supports! 🥰🥰


Wow such kind words, I really appreciate them, thank you! I'll continue to work hard to deliver more fun content for everyone to enjoy.