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Sad news, but unfortunately I'm pushing the release date forward for yet another month. Therefore this dev-cycle will now begin its 3rd month, with a projected release for late December.

The truth is that in early in November I spiraled down into a bad case of writer's block, and my creativity suffered a big hit with bad vibes all around. As you know I've been keeping a really consistent schedule during these 3 or so years of development, but it finally caught up to me I guess.

This meant that my productivity slowed to a crawl: I kept doubting myself, scrapping enemy concepts, obsessing over and over on the same frames of animation, and then feeling unmotivated as if my own work and creative vision was not worth enough.

And it is my own fault: I gave an opening (for something that I've been deliberately keeping closed) relating to my creative work, but then an unwanted outcome happened (which I knew was a possibility and is why I avoided giving this opening before) and it came crashing into my motivation, starting the bad mental spiral down.

Now the good news is that I'm already getting over it and slowly picking up my usual pace back again which is great, but since I wasted most of this past month in unproductive work, I'll need the next month to properly finish things up.

The plan for the next content is still the same: a new boss fight, a new stage and some extra common enemies. Above you can see a small piece from one of the 3 ero scenes of the new boss.

I apologize for delaying the next version yet again.




I hope you're doing alright!


Good things need their time. Speaking of good things...please please please do more variations for the futanari centaur, the deepthroat marriage ending was awesome...maybe a belly ride also with collar or a second centaur joins for some more fun ^^


I do have more plans for her in mind yes, regarding an extended game over that shows their after married life.