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Hello again!

I've been trying different approaches in order to properly implement this character in the game and it is a tricky subject. The problem is that MKM was not originally designed to support this type of friendly enemy; the code and design have certain assumptions that I created all the way back when I first laid out the plan for the game. It assumes that all enemies are "antagonists" in a sense and are out to get Maya, which means that I can plan out scenes for new enemies with that flow in mind.

In simple terms, I had envisioned a static frame-work for how the enemies would grab Maya and consequently how the scenes would play out. This enables me to have a "mold" for the ero scenes and this in turns helps me to create more enemies faster because there is a standard process that I can follow.

The short of it is that I was brainstorming and prototyping different ways in which to insert this new enemy, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to implement him in a way that doesn't deviate too much from the original game's design.

It is a conundrum and it's a pain having to weigh two things against each other: creating a unique design versus not bloating too much the code and workflow for a "1 off" character. Feature creep is a thing and it's so easy and tempting to fall into that rabbit hole.

As of now the rest of the update is completed and the animations for the dog boy as well, I'm just trying to figure out how to connect all of the logic for his friendly approach, and to be honest, I'm probably going to end up warping it in a way so as to fit it in the usual grab workflow so as to not delay the update any further, but we'll see.




Doge. Ideally you'd want to keep it simple and easy. Just make an interactive NPC that tries to keep up with Maya. Unsure but perhaps don't give this one a GO screen and have Maya able to interact with them...but...you could also make it so that if Maya interacts with Doge here multiple times, it ends up turning her into Doge's mate or something. I do have an enemy idea that is specifically meant for transformation, but also fits 2 themes, the antagonist aspect where they want to get Maya, but also a rather peculiar motherly aspect if you catch my meaning

Zawkian Puppy

Hmmm... you coukd implement some sort of randomly respawnable item that you could collect in to give to them and activate their "friendly mode". Say it's a wolf that loved blueberry, you could have the blueberry item br collected just like those throwable items, and have them randomly appear through multiple or specific stages. When you throw the blueberry at the wolf it becomes friendly until you exit the stage


instead of designing as an enemy, could design as an npc instead? I'm not sure how that effects the code at all but developing the frameworks for 'non-hostile entities' that aren't shopkeeper props might help in the future


Here's my two cents if you want them. Make them only pursue Maya if they are a certain distance away, and will try to "lure" the player through cute animations with the normal grab/ero framework. This would allow them to act as a new challenge that the player has to work around (ie player needs to go somewhere but has to lure dog away while avoiding enemies) while hopefully not adding too much work for you. You may have thought of this already in which case ignore me. Anyway, exited for the next update! Keep them coming


Big bads little bro wants a friend.


As a lover of Transformation and Preggo, I'd love to see Maya get turned into a Doggo and have some Puppies. I'm not a programmer, so this might make it even MORE complicated, but maybe if Maya gets her Willpower too low, Doggo takes advantage and gives her his lipstick sapping last of her willpower and makes her his bitch... Literally. More I think about it that would probably break the game... Still... a Man can dream...

Vik Virtue

You CAN pet the dog in Mystic Knight Maya. As for the dog boy.......hm, perhaps they can be in the level as a non-damaging enemy. They can wander back and forth on a static path, but maybe if Maya gets close to them, she'll gradually get a status condition where she can't resist petting the doggo boy, like when downed Maya is hit by a plant spore and willingly goes to the plant that shot it. But in this case, she willingly goes to cuddle the dog boy. Then maybe the H-animation could start there, letting you try to break free. Or perhaps if you just want to get him in the next update, he could just be a npc you can "talk" with that leads to the H-scene. Sort of like how the wolf girl mimic is like.

Jonathan Marlow

My take on a "friendly enemy" like this would be "charm" affect, basically you'd need to stay away from this dog enemy as he follows you around. Continuous proximty will lead to her being taken by it's craving for affection meaning there will be phase 1: petting phase 2: vigorous petting phase 3: notices how "excited" he's got then things start to... ramp up and up and up until it's GAME OVER. Or something along those lines.


Personally if all enemies are preset why don't you keep to that feature but add addtional features that make it so the new enemy becomes your friend after mating you, for example when certain characters mate with you, it's an insta game over, but in this one's case why not just make it so it falls in love and joins you for like 2 minutes or so.


Another idea would be for this dog type enemy to treat everything except themselves as enemies. However that would mostly mean, you'd probably have to make a ton more animations.... An easy workaround doesn't really exist in this case i think. But what i have always found sort of irritating in these sorts of games is the fact that all of these horny creatures are running around, only trying to get the player character, despite the fact that there are a lot of other potnetial targets available. Idk if you have some default animations for certain body or enemy types, but at least i think it would be a very interesting feature (disregarding feature creep here for a sec.) to keep in mind for the future.


I mean let's be real, if you have to have a "enemy target" for this creature, you could just change the natural target or you could just have to do it's animation (tentacle, furry, bdsm or whatever) and then add some additional commands so that way, the now "friendly enemy" stays around for like a few minutes and attacks things other than the playable character while making sure that such a mechanic is "not too op" for example: "time limits" or "max amount of friendly enemies limit"


I hope you can figure it out. I'm already really excited for the new update, last one was on March 3rd which already feels like forever ago xD