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Bellow I'll detail my current plans for this project. Please note that those plans are non-exhaustive, meaning: 

  • I may have forgotten to list a certain feature here, but said feature is on my plans still; 
  • Some goals may change (increased or reduced in scope);
  • Some goals may be removed entirelly and/or new ones added;

That said all of the goals listed here are part of my overall vision for what the final game should be, so barring some type of unforeseen event or circumstance that could hamper development, those goals are what I'm working towards with this project.

And lastly, while each point described bellow could be further expanded with more details and specifics, the purpose of this post is to simply list the ideas in a broad manner so that everyone has a good general idea of what the game will become in the future.



Mystic Kinght Maya is a 2D platformer/side-scrolling action game for windows and possibly mac and linux.

The basic gameplay is that of metroidvania game with action combat and special skills, non-linear exploration of various themed stages, inventory system, stat increasing, secret items, story and dialogue.

The mature content of the game comes in the form of the main character Maya, as she engages in sexual acts (depicted in 2D pixel animations) with various characters of different types and varying fetishes. There are also going to be some CG sets for certain bosses.


  • 10 or so stages for players to explore, each with a different theme, set of enemies and other gimmicks.
  • 4 different enemies per stage with 3 of them being common enemies that the player will encounter during exploration and 1 enemy being the boss and having a dedicated arena to fight in.
  • Simple Stats like attack power, defense, maximum life that the player can increase by exploring the corners of the stages and finding secret items.
  • Special Skills that the player will progressively acquire throughout the game and which will help them explore further, ranging from powerful attacks and abilities to increased mobility and defense.
  • Items with various purposes such as: health potions, buffs that increase attack power, throwable weapons, lust protection and more.
  • Non-linear progression where the player can explore the island using different approaches or in a different order.
  • Story and dialogue that the player can discover by talking with NPCs, watching simple cutscenes, exploring the island mysteries and finding secret notes to tie together the overall plot.


  • Unique erotic 2D animations for every single character in the game, each centered around a particular position, fetish or gimmick.
  • CG art for bosses and special situations.
  • Voice Acting unique for Maya with lots of varying moans for the sex scenes.
  • Armor/Cloth breaking system where the main character has different levels of clothing, depending on the amount of damage that she receives.
  • Different rare costumes that the main character can use with varying effects.
  • Special lewd currency that players can acquire by engaging in lewd acts with the game's characters and then use to buy items or progress in the game.
  • Lust system whereas the player will have to manage this meter when engaging in erotic actions. The amount of lust of the main character will determine things such as how much currency she can acquire but when it gets too high she also won't be able to use armor and have other effects.
  • Grapple system instead of the simplistic button mashing to escape from grabs. This system will take into account various things such as the monster's and Maya's strength and the current amount of lust.
  • Gallery mode where all the mature content can be conveniently perused.
  • Fetish Toggle so that each player can customize what type of content they wish to see or block in the game.


  • Multi-Language support and very easy means of translating the game into many languages.
  • Gamepad support
  • Cheat codes.
  • Steam and itch releases.


The development plan for MKM:

  • Prototype/Concept (done!): Create the most basic framework of gameplay such as moving around, attacking, basic enemy behavior, basic UI.
  • Early Alpha (we are here): At this point I'll create one by one all of the stages and enemies that the game will have (if only in a rough form). I will also slowly add new systems and vertical content to existing systems, such as new items and special skills.
  • Late Alpha: With the entire game's stages setup in a basic shape, now I'll go back and revise all the stage's layouts in order to create the proper metroidvania gameflow. This will include changing stage's structure as well as revising enemies/items to properly balance their difficulty and rewards. Also the story and other elements such as graphics will be fleshed out here. Additionally I will finish adding any systems and other vertical content needed for the final shape of the game.
  • Beta: All of the game's features are in place so this will be the final polishing phase, which will serve to tidy up all of the game's content for the final release.



Sounds great, I hope there will be foot and butt fetish. Great game I love it......


Thanks! I'm happy that you've enjoyed the game so far. Those two fetishes will certainly be implemented into the game sooner or later and I'd like to have a decent variety of them as wel.


It´s Look great and i hope for more Unbirth and AV


This is looking great so far! I wasn't super interested in this until I found out it was you making it and it would have vore stuff (love the vore in Pixie Panic Garden). Especially interested now that I see unbirth is on the table, definitely hope some melty same-size unbirth makes it in!


Hey everyone! I've updated the pinned post with a new section called "Development Approach", to better illustrate where the development is in terms of content production.


The project seems to be coming along nicely I definitely am looking forward to the last system as well as a better grapple system keep up the great work


just joined membership, I love your game! keep up the good work!!


damn i thoought it would be a vore finisher just played the new update still great finisher tho


I love your game too and I love the vore :3


...i REALLY hope that's a mistranslation or something


I just found this game around a week ago and fell in love with it so much that I kinda had to become a patreon. It has a similar vibe to Echidna Wars DX, mixed with a bit of Hollow Knight. That, to me, is the perfect blend! I hope for lots more vore and ero alike!




I discovered your game yesterday and I really enjoyed it. The variety of fetishes in it make it really appealing to a wide spectrum of people. I'm personally most interested in bondage, hypnosis/MC and transformation scenes, so I hope there are still some polls left to make any of these happen.


Are there any plans for a size difference oral vore scene where Maya is smaller than the pred? Something like her being shrunk down or her being eaten by a huge enemy would be amazing


Did you have any plans for Pregnancy content in the future? Love the variety btw.


Yes I have plans to add an enemy or two (possibly a boss as well) whose ero scenes will feature pregnancy, and possibly birthing as well.

Louis Blazeit

Seems like a feral dragon(ess?) would be a good one, although creator has said big enemies are a challenge