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Download: MEGA .rar 

Download: MEGA .zip 

This version features the beach boss fight, the flower blossom enemy, internal shots and throwing weapons. I've placed bombs and daggers just before the bosses so that you can try them out, tough they are somewhat overpowered right now. But that's ok as I won't focus too much on balancing things this early in development.

You can find the complete changelog inside the compressed files, but I've also attached it in this post for convenience.

If you have any feedback please let me know, specially regarding how I implemented the internal shots. Since I have rarely seen such feature in other action ero games, I'm not sure if it is something that many people want or enjoy. 




boss stages do not initiate and are no longer accessible, the frame comes up on screen, all controls other than menu lock, and the game proceeds to do nothing

Vik Virtue

I didn't have any trouble starting the game or getting to the bosses. Managed to beat both of them (which may or may not have included spamming bombs at them), and saw the new ero animations. And I gotta say, the flower bud is my new favorite one, right next to the plant boss. It came out way better than I thought it was gonna. One thing, though. For the kitsune and the beach boss, the internals showed up and I could toggle it with 'T'. But for the flower bud, the internals showed up fine, but I wasn't able to hide it with 'T'. Is that supposed to happen, or does the flower bud not have an exterior shot?


I'm happy that you liked the flower bud animation! As for its internal shot I just confirmed and its a bug; I forgot to set the check in the code for it so it is defaulting to ON. But it does have a normal external shot so it will be a simple fix. Thank you for the feedback!


Thanks for the bug report. By your description I know where the game is locking up (during the cutscenes that trigger before the bosses) but I couldn't reproduce error on my end. Would you kindly let me know your OS and system specs so that I may get some idea as to what is causing this lockup? I'll take a deeper look into this section of the code and try to improve its error handling so that it doesn't lock the game like that anymore.


windows 10, GTX 1070, intel I7 6700k - I found out that moving the game to a folder that wasn't using an invisible character caused the bug to go away - unsure if this is just weird behavior caused by trying to (unsucessfully) use whatever save files appeared with the new download, or if the engine just hates the character I used for that filepath

Toby Wilson

Love the new animations, the flower bud is great! And I'm a big fan of the internal shots, personally! Small bug with the flower bud though - when it defeats you and hits you with its hypno-pollen, Maya will walk toward it, then walk right past it without ever getting grabbed. It also won't shoot its pollen at her when Maya's laying on the ground after being defeated.


Just confirmed the bug and it will be fixed for the next update. Thanks for the report!