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Throwing Weapons: https://i.imgur.com/EBz1U68.mp4 

I want to give lots of different tools for the player so that they can approach the game's challenges as they see fit. These will be in the form of both special skills that will consume stamina/spirit and also items that have different effects.

In this case throwing weapons will serve as a ranged means of attack. While they don't consume stamina, they are finite in their quantity and have to be either found exploring the map or bought in a shop.

Internal Shots: https://i.imgur.com/Nu02ViA.mp4 

Player's will be able to toggle this mid-animation as they like. As show in the Kitsune ero animation above, some internal shots will have a separate window detailing if the action is vaginal/anal etc. Other internal shots will show the full insides of a creature (like the flower blossom tentacle animation).

Beach Boss: https://i.imgur.com/a1bpHs4.mp4 

The first male humanoid of the game, this warrior is bound by an ancient curse and will not tolerate trespassers who wish to steal his possessions. Unlike the forest boss he will be moving around the arena and use the water to his advantage.

Back to work!



Vik Virtue

Would the forest boss (the pitcher plant girl) have an internal in the future? Or will scenes like that continue to be implied?


The general idea is for all ero animations to have an internal perspective, so yes I'll revisit the plant girl and add a version where you'll be able to see Maya inside. Future scenes will already come with an internal version. This feature will be an optional toggle so that people who prefer to not see the internal action may leave it off, and people who want to see it can activate it at will.