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I'm currently creating the proper forest stage and work is going well. The chosen boss will be at the far end guarding the first special skill.

Speaking of the boss, I'll close up the poll on Sunday 24th, so please don't forget to cast your vote by then!

Also, it has been suggested that the poll should be multiple-choice, meaning that you can vote for more than one entry and increasing the overall chance that something you like wins the poll. That seems like a good idea to me, so for the next polls I'll try that approach. 

Additionally I want to further clarify my plans for the polls going forward. This is something that I've discussed with some patrons in private, so here I will update everyone it.

My current goal is for the game to have about 10 different "stages". Each stage is more or less centered around a certain theme, and I plan to have 4 unique enemies per stage: 3 common enemies and 1 stage boss.

From these 4 enemies, my current goal is to design 2 of them myself (for instance, the beach stage and forest stage already have 2 enemies each that I created) and the other 2 to be designed and voted by the patrons.

Sometimes the custom creature will be the boss (like now), but other times it will be a common enemy too. Also, even if a particular entry doesn't win a poll that doesn't mean that it won't be in the game, because of 2 things:

1) Let's say that fetish A wins the poll. Then for the immediate next poll, that fetish will be forbidden from entry, meaning that the other fetishes that didn't win get a better chance now, and it also helps avoid a single fetish dominating every poll.

2) Also let's say that entry X became the most voted, but entry Z came in second place. Entry X will be custom made as promissed based on the patron's design, but since a lot of people also liked entry Z, I may very well feel inclined to put it into the game too.

With this approach, not only it makes it more worth for patrons to create entries for the polls, but also spreads the chance of being the winner a bit more.

Just the fact that I talked a bit with everyone as they made suggestions for the poll gave me a lot of good ideas that I hadn't even thought of myself. My point is that even if your particular fetish doesn't win a poll, it not only has increased chances for the next polls, but the simple fact that it became an entry at all may very well lead me to putting it into the game myself.

Hopefully I've clarified things a bit better, but as always I hear all your feedback regarding the game or the patreon campaing so please, feel free to keep it coming!



Vik Virtue

Seems like something that'll appease a lot of folks. But also it just means more chances for people to suggest some good ideas.


True. I really liked all the entries for the current poll as they all fit my idea of having a good amount of different fetishes in the game.