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Sorry for having to skip last month! We keep getting booked 😪

For anyone new to the $50+ Tiers please accept this invite to the Patreon Server to be given a role and gear up for the monthly Q&A Panel!

Once in, please be sure to send your Patreon Name and Email Address associated with your Patreon account to @The Silent Watcher for verification!

The Q&A Panel will be at 11am PST on Sunday (November 19th)! Please be sure to check out the rules and ask any of the moderators available if you need any extra help.

This month your questions will be answered by:

  • Vivienne Medrano (Director and Creator)
  • Sam Miller (Art Director)


Join the VIVZ PATREON PARTY Discord Server!

Check out the VIVZ PATREON PARTY community on Discord - hang out with 218 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.



Aw excited to hear I really hope I can make it. I may not be able to. Lol I feel like I have missed a few in a row do to life stuff.


It says it's expired when I try


Could I get a new invite?