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I love these fun fact sheets

Leroy Preston

I do realize the pun of the sins being circus acts. The rings of hell being like the rings of a circus.

Jack Ponder

That means Ozzie was the one who taught his "Froggy" all those fancy fire tricks! Or so I'd like to think.

Cosmique Aliene

This caught me by surprise! I'd been led to believe that Ozzie represented the "Magician", rather than specifically a fire performer. That makes much more sense!!!!

Hazbin Hotspot

Hey Vivian, Hazbin Hotspot Here, Would It Be Possible For Us to Get in Contact Somehow? I Send You An Email, And Went On Your Patreon...And Tumbler....You Get The Idea. I'll Be Waiting For Your Response.

Luca GZ

I wonder why only Satan (from his app logo and his silhouette) and Beelzebub ressemble their subjects, while Mammon and Asmodeus don't... and who knows about Leviathan and Belphegor