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Only posting this here because it's something I 100% want everyone informed on!

In case you see a post going around saying "I don't pay my team" with lots of made up bs, false accounts of people who have never worked with me and have no idea how animation works.

Just wanted to reiterate I have raised my teams rates to those are small studios in the industry, I'm treating my projects like actual pipelines and EVERY penny I make here, and via sales goes DIRECTLY to project budgets! 

You guys are helping me continue to pay my freelance team well, and continue to expand the content we make for you and others!

I apologize for sometimes not posting as much here as I mean too, I try to hit every tier every month but tbh it's YOU guys I feel I let down more when I miss things due to how much I juggle to keep things moving. It's just because I'm working on so much studio-running stuff that doing ART is harder nowadays but the good news is the team gives me chances to share things they are doing, and I have AT LEAST things to show. I promise you all though I am hustling to make projects for you all and make them what people want to see!

I love my team, I love my patrons, I love my projects! I can't express how much I just want to keep giving people work, and people content they enjoy!

LOVE you all and Happy Valentines day!



Lying about Vivzi? Who could do such a thing?


You're doing great!

Fel the Worgal

Happy valentine's day to your whole team. And especially you Viv!


We love you too! Just keep killing it you fabulous monster 💕


Keep doing what you’re doing Viv! Love everything preent to us.


You present*


Happy Valentine's day! Thank you for the update!


Happy Valentine’s Day! I love and support you all! Have a wonderful day!❤️


I really just don't get the appeal of widespread astroturfing lies and slander. If you can't win your arguement based on the truth, just open up your mind and admit you're wrong. I really do wish you the best in combating the slander against your Vivzi.


Don't overwork yourself Viv! Can't wait to see what's coming!


It's unfortunate that people are so willing to shit on your image that they come up with or easily believe any bs about you. I wouldn't have believed it for a second coming from a rumor mill like that.


People are just so cruel sometimes... You're doing great, Viv! We've got your back and love everything you do. You've always got my support and I can't wait to see more from you. Happy Valentine's day and much love to you, Viv! 💕


The outrage and attacks on you are ridiculous vivziepop!


Its just like with the sonicmovie right now, where People post lies about it just to hurt the movie. These People cant aprreciate a good product.


Gurl, you do what you gotta do to make your dreams real! Keep up the good work!

Erin L.

Vivz, you don't have anything to apologize for, you're leading a HUGE project and it takes a lot of time and patience to get through everything. Just take your time and ignore the trolls, people don't understand how animation (or much of anything) works. Happy Valentine's Day to you too. :)


I never believe any accusations or rumors against you Vivz, since it's been proven and proven again that all of these accusations are unfounded and not true. You don't have to apologize for anything, we completely understand how much time it takes to do projects and huge ones at that! You take all the time you need and we'll be waiting patiently for whatever new things you have in store for us. We love you!


Ms. Medrano, there was never a doubt in my mind that you are a good and fair employer. I wouldn't believe any post suggesting otherwise. And please, don't feel the need to apologize for not posting as often as you'd like. I'm an artist too, I know how hard it is to work to a deadline and share all of the ideas you have right away. But honestly, I don't donate money for the rewards, I donate because you're a kind and talented person, and I want to help you fund your projects in any way I can. Thank you, really thank you for all that you do, Ms. Medrano. You're awesome! Happy Valentines Day :)


We love you and everything you do, Vivzie. We know you're telling the truth and you can count on us if no one else, but this fandom you've created seems to have a firm grasp on fake from real, so the only people that might fall for such gullible BS are the people that thrive on things to gossip about! Good luck, I know me and millions if others will stick by your side no matter what!


Personally I'm just happy to be supporting a fellow animator and storyteller and I know how rough that path can be! I'm sorry so many rumors are floating around about the money, but I am convinced you aren't making the quality of animation that's coming out just from thin air! Keep on fighting and work hard, you have for a very long time been an inspiration to me in the online animation industry!


Thank you for informing us. But honestly, if you hadn't said anything I never would have known this was an issue :). Still, I have faith in you, keep doing your own thing!!

Dragons Mage

Whatever is coming I’m so excited for and I know is worth the wait


Hell seems friendlier than Earth these days (especially the Hazbin verse.) Sorry you have to put up with the lies. Good luck with all your projects. : )


Comic, Manga and Animation tend to get paid shit by big Corporations I highly doubt an Indie Creator is going to pay poorly. Haters just wanna hate, I'm sure you compensate your team exellently.


Don't worry Vivzie, we trust you! I'm sorry people are making up such terrible things about you, you don't deserve it.


A clarification like that, while appreciated, is wasted on us, Viv. We're here supporting you because we know that you're as passionate and earnest as you are. Why people try to tear down your ambitions with obvious astroturfed propaganda is beyond me. Keep doing what you do, kick ass, and never let any of that PR crap get in the way of your dreams. <3

Epik Asia

No worries dudette, I understand. You've made comments in past streams even saying how the money earned goes to paying your staff well so I knew that crap people were spouting was false news.

Christopher Guerra

A pox on winey little butthurt con people who breed misinformation looking for simpathy money. This team is doing amazing things for cartoons and commercial creativity in general. Lots of love, vivzie 💗


It breaks my heart that you have to make posts like this! People just want to tear amazing people down and it’s disgusting how much bad information is everywhere. Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you have an amazing one!


Happy Valentines day and be sure we all love You and the team too :)


Thank you for informing us <3 I'm sorry for all the drama. Keep doing your best, we love what you are doing! Happy Valentine's day!


All rumors created by the envious im sure. Keep up the great work!


there will always be people looking to drag others to their level cause they jealous, just don't let em get to you

Sierra Bravo

Hey, we love you too, Vivz, and remember we're much happier with you doing world class work and talking to us a bit less than the other way around. You're an inspiration and example to everyone who is or wants to be an independent creator.


People love to spread false rumors.


I’m sorry people are being so horrible Viv, I hope it dies down soon! You don’t have to worry about not posting here enough, you are so busy making amazing things already! Love your work, keep your head up!


We love you too, Vivzie! 😍😊 Happy Valentine's day!


Love all that you do and happy to support you in any way! Happy Valentines!


I don't listen to idiots on the internet. and even if I did, I'm paying you for what you've already produced.

Zephy Foxy

Fortunately I haven't seen anyone saying that yet but they're full of it lol. Why would anyone think that?


Listen here, just do you...we all don't mind take your time and freakin kill it!!!


Happy Valentine’s Day Vivziepop! We love you too


Thanks for all the cool stuff you do! Happy Valentines day and don't let the haters get to you!


Haters gonna hate


Thanks for the update Vivienne. Dont listen to those claims, it is usually mostly jealous assholes who do that.

Anime Girl

Thank you for trying to get ahead of the ball, but don’t even worry! We all love the impact you are having with your team, and the amazing things you’re creating! Honestly it feels like they’re just Meghan Markle-ing you. They think you’re an easy target because you keep your heart on your sleeve, and you so clearly care with your whole heart about what you are doing. But don’t worry, the people who will come out on top are those who work hard and get results, and honey, you’re doing all of that! Anyway, just keep up all your awesome work! We love you, and happy Valentine’s Day! 💕💗


It seriously sucks that people like to spread nasty rumors about you, bluh. Regardless, hope you and your team all have a great Valentine's Day!


The quality of the productions speak for themselves. Hunicast was all I needed to see. The sad truth is that there's a lot of people other there, especially on twitter who are simply envious that your stuff is gaining traction and support because you along with everyone involved put in the time, money and love required to make stuff like Hazbin or Helluva Boss succeed. And instead of just being happy for someone, they gotta try to drag you down so you can feel miserable like them. I honestly believe much of the "controversy" stems from people who hate that you have tons of support on Patreon and a successful and growing Youtube channel. They want what you have, but aren't willing to put the effort in. Take the criticism, even if its harsh, but ignore those who will never be satisfied by anything you say or do.


This was a very confusing post, but happy Valentine’s Day to you too Viv.


*Pats gently* Chill down, pal, personally I view my patron support of you as more of a long-term investment, I don't really feel the need for regular content. I mean, I don't feel let down or anything.


There's also someone on reddit going around and saying other things. So far it was them saying that Vaggie and Charlie were sisters and that they are a staff member and showed someone the studio on vid call .


ヽ(ー_ー )ノ Just keep up the good work, we can wait for great content 👍

Flare Friday

Don't let some nobody haters who want attention by accusing you of one of the most heinous injustices anyone can pull. We know for a fact that you look down on animators NOT getting paid, and we know for a fact our money is going towards your creative team. Don't let some nobodies and their "blah blah" drama get under your skin. You keep pulling through, we got your back! <3 Happy Valentine's Day!


Don't listen to them Viv! You and your team do a wonderful job, and your hard work speaks for itself!

Savage Shark

You do wonderful work, not just with your projects but with managing your team and their assigned tasks. it's one of the many reasons I support you, because you care about your team and the work they do. The nay says don't mean shit. Just trolls with no life and are envy your success and achievements. Stay awesome and amazing vivzie <3. you and your team always do amazing work. It's cool if things are slow on the post up here, we know that our support goes into making the awesome shorts and videos you and your team work so diligently on. <3 you guys and gals keep up the good work.


Snipers will try to shoot you down. You know what you are doing. You know the truth. State it clearly and plainly. Keep up the great work and send Loona to talk to troublemakers.


One of the side effects of 8chan getting shut down has been an increase of malicious trolls on the rest of the net. Though Tumblr seems to be competing for the next Toxic Net Spot award. I've watched them targeting fan artists for the last year. Some of the sh*t they throw is really hard to scrape off.


Nice to see you gettin' ahead of this whole thing. That being said, with some of the more recent "celebrity crimes" proven innocent despite troll pressure and "evidence", I still would've taken these accusations with a grain of salt. Regardless ones actions do not reflect (typically) on ones work. You're a fantastic artist, animator and storyteller. You'll always have support from lads and lassies like us, Cheers!


I can't speak for the animation industry, but when it comes to freelance filmmaking, not only are you expected to be happy to work for free, but you can be judged for expecting compensation. Every film project I have ever applied for I've been told point blank "I can't pay you so don't expect it" and it's seen as normal. How committed you are to making sure your team gets compensated fairly for their hard work and talent is one of the things I most respect about you, and why I will be a continued supporter of your projects.

Shadow Scale Cosplay

Glad to hear your teams are getting paid. Not everyone is so lucky.


Running a project, much less a business with budgeting, requires a significant amount of time-management. Of course, some things are going to suffer for the benefit of other aspects. I, as a patron, am not really interested in the PR, updates, or social media presence. My interest is the end result. That's what I'm paying for, and the fun production videos on Youtube are an exceptionally welcome fringe benefit. We are investors, and a lot of investment involves communication with share/stake-holders to justify the continued investment. However, a lot of Patreon is small chip-investors. Some come, some go, but the project can stay afloat as long as there is a consistent interest. That's where these updates come in. Frankly, in the trade-off between doing work and advertising, please DO WORK. We don't need to be babysat. If you're that worried about attrition, please hire a social media manager to handle these updates. However I, for one, am not concerned with updates so much as product. That may seem very transactional, but that's what investment is. However, I believe in this project and I am willing to invest in it for the end result, not the neat swag or Patreon exclusives.


No grudges held against you here, yours keep being amazing😄👍


Love you too! I didn't even realize that was going on but I'm always happy to support you 😄


We all know you're doing your best and would never not pay your team, dont let those a-holes try to tear you down


You and your team spreading your dreams through Hazbin is good enough for your Patreons, :) so you never have to feel guilty about us.


I hope you guys have a table in artist alley at comic con! It would be a great way to raise more money for the cause and I would love to see you guys and your art!

Maxx TP

From what I've heard your team seems to really enjoy working for you,Some people have really no life to start feud like this for no good reasons


Wishing you and your team well, Viv. I hear a rumour, via Hunicast, that Hazbin is being picked up by a network. Is this true?