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I want to be sure too keep ya'll updated with Hazbin's status!!

Good news, scripting for the first on-going storyline for the Hazbin comics has begun!! I apologize for the delay with finishing the Angel and Al comics, it's been 100% due to my end being swamped prepping Helluva and preparing Hazbin's pitch! But I should be back on track with them this month!!

GOOD NEWS! First few pitches are in for production companies and the show has already gotten it's first 'yes's. This doesn't mean the show is picked up but it's 100% a step towards that and I'm over the fucking moon!! <333333

Will keep you all posted, obviously the further things get the more hushed I will have to be but know the more hushed the much better news!! 

More art and script posts incoming, as well as schedules for calls and streams this month!



Congrats you guys definitely deserve it for all of your hard work. Keep it up. We all believe in you &lt;3 &lt;3


Hell yeah, you guys are getting there. ^_^ Much love to all of you involved with the show(s).


This is amazing! Congrats on the somewhat successful pickups! Wish you the best of luck on it.


Can’t wait!


AHHH I’m so proud and excited for you! Hazbin and Helluva boss are wonderful works of art and I love them dearly. Thanks for creating such amazing things!!


Hell yea


This is so exciting!

Death of Ink

Congratulations!! I sincerely wish to all the best in things getting even better from here! Take all the time you need to finish the comics, they're only fun if you had fun making them.


I'm so excited! Congratulations on your first 'yes', Ms. Medrano! I sincerely wish you and your team the best of luck in your endeavors. And while I'm excited for the comics, too, please don't stress yourself out on the project. We understand that you're busy with your other work, just please, take your time. We'll still be here when you're ready :)


Congratulations a thousand times over and shares to more content


I’m so excited for you!! I know your going to be a huge success Hazbin and Helluva are so well done you’re absolutely a genius I’m crossing my fingers for you. 💕💕💕💕

Michael Laws

Weeewt secrets are our weapon to Hazbins official viewings. I can't wait for more Yaaay!

Flare Friday

Congrats Viv, this is super exciting news!! We are behind you 100% and know you'll give Hazbin's story justice


AAAAAA That's great, congrats!!!


CONGRATS OMG! You deserve this! Can’t wait




When are the comics coming out?


Alright, jumpin' hurdles!

Paul Lenoue

I forget which studio did this, but they used game references as a secret code to let their fans know what was going on. I found out about this years ago when a friend who had insider knowledge told me in excited capital letters "THEY BUILT A ROAD TO A PASTURE HEX IN SETTLERS OF CATAN!" It took a lot of explaining to make sense of that.


After Team Four Star dropped the ball spectacularly today with how they strung people along for 3 months with DBZA, this was very welcome new. Thank you Vivi. Good luck




This is some of the best news I could have woken up to. Really happy for you and all the teams you're working with. You are all going to do GREAT things ^___^.


Who's got 2 thumbs and is excited? Everyone with two thumbs.


“I’ve come to crave a new form of entertainment!” Excited for the creative minds behind such a product be able to create so much more. Rooting for the best to come!


Нормально так)


I am so excited for the future of this show and I'm happy that you're weighing your options before making any deals. Whoever is lucky enough to pick up this show, I hope they continue to give you creative control. Do you think you'd ever want to do printed comics or would you want them to stay online? I'm a comic collector and would love to have a box of Hazbin


I feel a bit silly asking, but since I can't find them.. Where can I see the Angel and Al comics, if any of them are out?


AHHH, THIS IS SO GREAT!! I'm obsessed with Hazbin, and I had no doubts that production companies would be very, very interested in potentially picking it up. This is spectacular, Viv, you're amazing as well as the entire team behind you. Don't stop!!

Maxx TP

HELL YES !!! This is fantastic ! Congratulation :)


THAT'S SO AWESOME! Huge congrats to you and your team, I'm so happy and excited for y'all!! 💖💖


If you still haven't found it, they're being posted on the hazbin hotel website! :D