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The next version of the all-in-one profile for retail (Shadowlands) is finally ready for all my "TSM Profile" tier patrons!

The profile still covers crafting, shopping and auctioning for both old content and current content items, but now it also properly handles crafted legendaries (Runecarving) and is more adjustable than ever!

Aside from various smaller changes and fixes, here are the more noteable changes that come with the update:

Auctioning support for different legendary ranks:

For now, TradeSkillMaster does not properly support different ranks of crafted legendaries. The "Crafting" source would always refer to the crafting cost of the highest rank that you know, even when you were dealing with a lower rank. As a workaround, I have set up a rather complex custom source that is able to calculate the actual crafting cost for each crafted legendary item, even for items that you yourself don't know how to craft. This custom source allows the profile's auctioning operations to properly price your items and ensure that you make a profit.
Unfortunately, automatically restocking still isn't something that TSM can handle, even with the custom source, but hopefully this will all be addressed in the next big TSM update.

Optimized, faster auctioning operations:

The auctioning portion of the profile has been optimized quite a bit in this update, which means that cancel and post scans are less likely to cause any "Script ran too long." errors and should generally feel slightly faster.

Easier to customize:

The profile now comes with several custom sources that allow you to edit various aspects of the profile on the fly, without having to edit dozens of operations and having to mess around with long and confusing strings!

For example, by default the profile will try to ensure that you get at least 10% more than what you paid for your items. But maybe your realm doesn't allow for that big of a margin or you just want to be a bit more aggressive and are fine with lower margins as long as you still make 5% profit. Instead of having to edit post cap, minimum, normal and maximum prices of multiple operations, you can now simply open TSM -> Settings -> Custom Sources and change the string for the "bilisminflippingprofitpct" custom source from 10 to 5, then do a /reload and you are all set.

Updating is easier than ever before:

In addition to the update to the profile itself, I also updated the way you can get the update.
I have set up a discord bot that can automatically update your file for you. All you need to do is send your TradeSkillMaster.lua file to the BilisOnyxia Bot on my discord and it will automatically update the file and send it back to you.
You no longer have to wait for me to be around to edit the file.

Updating the file is now only a matter of seconds!

I hope you'll enjoy the update and stay safe!




Thanks for all the work you do. Really making things easier. I hope enough of us are staying subscribed to make it worth it for you! My favorite new thing are the custom sources!


I agree.


You're most welcome! I really do appreciate all the support :) Glad that you like the custom sources. They should make it much easier to better adjust the profile to your personal preferences without having to mess around with the somewhat long and complicated pricing strings directly.


Thanks, BillisOnyxia, for all that you do. A true legend.


where i can find the string?


You can send your TradeSkillMaster.lua file to the BilisOnyxia Bot on my discord server and the bot will add the profile to your file. I have sent you a direct message here on patreon with more details.


Hello can you give link to discord