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Since I have gotten a few messages already, I figured I should make a post to clear up some of the confusion.

Patreon seems to regularly have some issues during the first couple of days of a new month. Usually after making a pledge and connecting your discord account to patreon, it will only  take a few minutes for you to get invited to my discord server where a bot will automatically assign you an appropriate role that allows you to see all the private channels with instructions on how to get started.

However, during the first couple of days of a new month (right now for example) these automated systems seem to lag behind a bit. It might take a day or two (just a rough estimate on my part) for things to calm down a bit and for patreon to catch up.

I'm afraid there is not much you or I can do about that. All we can do is give it some time.

Hopefully that helps clear up some of the confusion as to why you don't seem to be getting invited to my discord server.


Craig Topping

I've been a patreon for three months now and still don't have an email with a discord link. Can you just send it direct please. I'm done waiting.


I got onto the server with correct groups added, spoke twice and discord has removed all my user groups, so I cannot see anything anymore. Been a fun 24 hours

John Connor

You don't get an e-mail with a discord link. As soon as you connect your discord with Patreon on Patreon's settings, it should take a bunch of hours until it auto-joins the server on its own. No links needed whatsoever


Not quite sure what happened there. It seems like you have left the server. You can join the server again via discord.gg/drd2J8G then I can manually assign you the appropriate role so that you can see the channels again. The patreon discord bot that usually manages the roles seems to be acting up a bit.