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Hey friends,

This clip has been a little bit of a different journey for me than most clips editing wise. While I always shuffle things around and re-edit sections in order to tighten things up, I seldom feel like I am going back and forth between what I think works and what doesn't. In that respect, I'm definitely behind where I wanted to be with this clip at the moment. However, I'm determined to make this one a real clip as opposed to relegating it to the zone of b-sides. The main problem has been that I didn't get proper footage/takes for some of the most important moments of the clip, so things are a little bit out of context and some of the best moments are over too quickly. I think what I will have to do with this clip will be taking some of the shots I didn't plan on using (because I had better looking ones, or because I had better takes elsewhere) and start using them to extend some of the moments so they don't pass by too quickly, even if I'm not super stoked on the takes or the aesthetics themselves.

Thank you for your patience and support. 




Look's great, where are the links?


Hi Kith, thank you! I send them all to the email addresses people list in their profiles :) If the email you use to signup is more of a throwaway, let me know which one is correct! I will also re-send em, cuz sometimes they wind up in spam folders!


Hi Stew, no this was just another update, but I wanted to provide some updated screenshots for y'all in the meantime