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Hi friends,

I wanted to share some raw, unedited screenshots from the next video I've been working on with Lauren Ashlyn. While "Step On Them" is probably my favorite thing we did from our last shoot, I am still hoping to salvage the other two we made, as opposed to relegating them to b-sides. This next one has some cool stuff in it imo, I've just been re-editing a few sections to try to make up for missing a few key shots (or having them not work the way I had intended them to). The basic rough edit is almost finished, there are just a few moments where I'm not sure if things are tracking story-wise for the viewer, so I keep playing with re-ordering them to see which one flows best. 

The basic premise for this video is that a tiny bachelor party has paid for a session with Lauren Ashlyn, but they grow to feel ripped off by the interaction, breaking her rules in the process and getting punished for it. Since Lauren has been a dancer in the past, it felt like a cool way to explore some entitlement dynamics in a universe where she gets to exert power over the situation.

After this video, I'm going to try to pump out another VR clip and then get working on the Jennifer Rose unaware video. I've been in talks with about 4 different models at the moment, including Jennifer, but nothing has been organized just yet (I think that two of them might fall through). I am waiting to hear back from Jennifer about her updates to the videos we've been discussing, and the same goes for another model named Syra Wolf who I am excited to bring into the gq universe.



Stew Drickson

Looking good! Much love, bro.

Alex W

I've had customs from Syra Wolf before and she is absolutely brilliant!! So excited to hear you may be working with her!


Oh wow, that's awesome! Yeah, I've been impressed by her creativity/editing, and she's only an hour away, so I'm excited to see what we can come up with together. Which ones were yours?

Alex W

Definitely, her videos feel like a full package of storytelling! My one was Call the Exterminator, and there's another one currently in the works which is kind of a sequel to it!


That's awesome! That's actually my favorite one that I've seen from her haha. I think the look she gives at the end with the plastic sheet and the people behind it is so sick. That sold it for me for sure haha.

Dante gallard

Goddamn please include some crush with those boots please. You do wonderful work dude.


Ahh not in this one, they are just props for this video, but I can definitely ask her for that in the future! And thank you so much dude!