VR 360 "Manhunt" with Lauren Ashlyn (Patreon)
Hey everyone!
You all should have gotten an email with a link for you to download this clip (please message me if you haven't received it yet, or can't garner access to it!).
I fiddled around with this one for a bit, since it's rather straightforward and not too long. For instance, I tried my hardest to add "shakes" by using (experimenting with) a combination of blurs and rotating the VR axis, but it never felt too natural when I tested it on a headset. If anything, it actually felt less immersive because of its artificiality. And although the slow-mo degrades the quality a bit, I think this is a fun little clip, and I hope you find some value out of it!
Here's the overall description:
VR360 "Manhunt" with Lauren Ashlyn
Note: This is a VR360 Clip.
This is a rather simple and straightforward VR clip. Lauren Ashlyn returns to her room, attempts to settle in, taking off her coat and checking her phone, unknowingly causing destruction below. Initially unaware, Lauren steps on a couple of people, and even sits on one, before discovering her room is littered with unwanted pests. She promptly disposes of the rest, hunting them down, stepping on some, swatting one, and using a tissue to throw out the last.
This clip is shot in 60fps slow motion, and because of this, it loses out on a little bit of quality/splitting. However, this VR360 clip contains: Booms, Boot Crush, Hand Crush, Butt Crush, Unaware, Aware, No Dialogue