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Hi everyone,

I am currently working on trying to export a lower file size option as well, but for now, here is the clip! The code on iWantClips for $5 off is "jendangerousworld"





Hey there love your stuff, is this clip available elsewhere ? The link to iwantclips is sadly dead :/


Hey thank you so much. And yes! I cannot link to it here on Patreon unfortunately, but it is on C4S and MV, both found here: allmylinks.com/godqueen

Alex W

Very excited to watch this! As always, thank you for your generous prize-to-content ratio. It's like the difference between buying classic lego sets to franchise lego sets. Classic is much more affordable - and in many ways much more quality!(I'll get off my Lego analogy now though)


Haha I'll take it! I understand that I don't yet have the ability to be posting new content all of the time, so I try to supplement the cost of donating every month by subtracting it from if you were to buy a clip on your own without donating :) It really does help me to be able to front the cost of a shoot, so of course I want to make it worth everyone's while!


Big fan of what you and Jennifer have done together, been following you since you first posted on GiantessCity! I love that Jennifer has stuck around and seems to, from what you've told us about her and what we've seen in the behind the scenes stuff you've shown us, be kind of into it as herself which is always exciting. She's super cute of course, which helps as well! I definitely look forward to any work you two do in the future. That being said, I do have a few critiques of this one, that I also think apply to your videos as a whole, I hope you don't mind if I list them out here! I get that a big aspect of the videos you make is that the whole situation is not overly or even at all sexualized in any explicit manner, but I think it would help a lot if Jennifer's outfits weren't so modest - I hope I don't come across the wrong way, but it would be nice if she weren't always in jackets and loose clothes! Even just some tighter socks or barefoot content would be much appreciated by your customers, I'm sure. Although the video is an impressive 30 minutes, I was admittedly disappointed in the lack of micro interaction. In those 30 minutes there were only 3 moments of "smut", in my view. The unaware crush in the beginning is fantastic - I was hoping for more things like that to be honest! The almost vore tease was great as well, but I would have really loved if there had been at least one vore victim as well. And then the ending, which was also good on it's own, but I wish rather than crushing 4 at once they had been spread throughout with some variation. This last one may just be me, but the overall volume seems really low. It's impossible for me to make out anything the tinies are saying (if they are saying anything other than gibberish, I can't tell), but Jennifer's volume was also hard to hear for me throughout. Do you know antman3433's videos? If you haven't seen them, I recommend checking them out for some inspiration, I think he is a kindred spirit in terms of how he approaches the size fetish! Overall the video is totally worth the value, and I will continue buying everything you release! <3


Hi Lotus! Thank you for the thoughtful response :) - I totally watch a lot of the antman videos! I think he does a lot of cool things, and I wish I could enlist him for sfx work as a collaboration haha. - In terms of clothes, yeah it's hard because I try not to micromanage what people want to wear. In a way, I do this partly so that models feel comfortable and authentic in however they want to present themselves. But I also understand your point, and I will try to be more mindful in those moments to ask for a bit of variation. For instance, for my next shoot, I am making it a point to do at least one barefoot video, and to make sure that I leave with at least one butt crush scene since I haven't had any yet. - For interaction, I totally agree. This video is a lot different than most I've made and plan to make, because you're totally right, there are only a few moments of death/near death moments. The rest of the attractions rely on the power dynamics of being a pet. In a lot of ways, I think this video requires patience and buildup. Like it's not the sort of video that you can put on and skip around to your favorite moments, it requires a little bit of time to watch in order to make the viewer ready for the final setup. - And oh no! I had a lot of trouble with the volume as I was exporting the video. It also becomes hard to notice subtle differences (like when you're recording music) because you've heard the same thing over and over so many times, that you are listening differently than someone with fresh ears. Perhaps in the future I can upload rough parts, and people could give feedback? I'm not opposed to doing that, I just didn't want to ruin the surprise, or take away from the final product by seeing its parts being made haha. And yeah, I purposely lowered the voices, perhaps as a precaution against turning off people who aren't into hearing them so vividly. But if that's not the case, I will gladly raise them in the future. Thank you again for the comments <3

Alex W

My bigggest takeaway from this video is just how impressive Jennifer is as an actor. Having dialogue scenes to tiny model people can't be easy, but I thought her performance was really naturalistic and impressive. Speaking of the dialogue, I thought you did a great job selling the power dynamics with things like "I might accidentally step on you..". The way it's delivered in such a concerned and logical way sells it even more, because you really get a sense of the power imbalance. I do agree with Lotus that I would enjoy a bit more thrills than the video necessarily offered, although what you gave us was really well executed. I especially loved the way you focused on Jennifer's decision to step on them. As always, the camera-work and atmosphere were a cut-above anything I've seen elsewhere. You really have a knack for it. A final thought: the mechanic of communication between the tinies and Jennifer was unique and interesting. It's not often you see unique setups in fetish scenarios so well done! I think it's a compliment to your work that my main bit of feedback is that I want more interaction/thrills, because I know you execute it so perfectly! I think this video cements the fact that you have everything nailed(music, editing, acting, scale, camerawork) and once you boost up the interactions a bit more I think we'll have a holy grail giantess video on our hands! Looking forward to seeing future projects :)


Thank you Alex! I will gladly take Jennifer's acting to be the biggest takeaway, because I think she deserves it haha. I'm also thankful that you enjoyed the clip! I agree, the balance between thrills/attractions and story can be a hard one to balance within a short shoot. I always want to be present to shooting things in an interesting/dramatic way, yet at the same time, the voice in the back of my head is prodding me to make sure I get at least a few clips done, or else I won't make the money back for the shoot haha. Through the trials and tribulations I am starting to learn more about how I need to handle the shoots and stories in tandem (both successes and failures), so hopefully these only continue to get better over time (I still have lots of room to grow, pun intended I guess haha). But seriously, thank you very much. It is super appreciated as always.