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Story can be found in my $5 dropbox (This image is only a preview!). The links to which can be found at the top of this post:


Warning: The story contains some adult stuff like the word that rhymes with T-Rex!

Note: The main image in this story will be posted to the $2 and $5 Dropbox in a couple of days! The only reason I am not doing it immediately is to avoid spoiling the story for anyone that wanted it unspoiled. Sorry for the wait! If you're in the $5 Tier and just want to see the images, simply scroll through the PDF until you find them. They are not hidden.

Phew. This took a long time to finish, but ideas kept coming to me and I ended up making it a bit bigger than I intendd.

Anyway, now that Christmas is fully done with, onto the $13 Tier Reward image next! I hope the story and the images were enjoyable (also the image used in this story will have a YCH option if anybody is interested).

That's all from me for now! Don't forget to vote on the CYOA Gals, too! Found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/96380574



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