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Story can be found in my $5 dropbox (This image is only a preview!). The links to which can be found at the top of this post:


Warning: The story contains some adult stuff like the word that rhymes with T-Rex! If that ain't your cup of tea, wait until Monday.

It's Christmas! No, wait, it WAS Christmas! This project has taken a lot longer than I thought it would, and it even got to the point where this two-part project is now being split into three!

But don't worry. The third part will be up on Monday. The artwork is done and I just need tomorrow night to finish the last bit of the story. The main reason I had to split them up is because the story was getting way too long for one upload, in my opinion.

So, if you don't care to read the story, I'm afraid there's not a whole lot for you with this upload! What you want will be on Monday instead, in addition to the final part of the story.

Also, I based some of the focus of this story on the poll I hosted some time ago asking what sort of domination acts/etc people would like to see. Yay for pandering \o/! 

That's all from me for now! Don't forget to vote on the CYOA Gals, too! Found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/96380574



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