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The end is nigh! In December, the final page of the Boruto CYOA will be uploaded, and with that, preparations for the next CYOA will begin.

But before we get to figuring out what the next theme will be, I figure I should pick your brains a bit.

If there is anything you wanted to let me know, whether it's something you liked and would like to see again, or something you didn't like/would like changed going forward, this is your opportunity! I'm happily open to criticism.

I'll make a poll later with some suggestions I've already received, plus anything reasonable that's mentioned from this post (whether it's in comments or through a direct message/discord/etc). I have my own changes I would like to do going forward, but I'll add them to the poll as well in case others feel strongly against it.

That's it for now! Working on the next picture ($13 Tier Reward one)! Expect the lineart to be done around Saturday night, and the colors a day or two later.

EDIT: Just to be clear, this is not regarding what series the next one will focus on! Just general changes to make.



It seems I was beaten to the punch when saying it but I do gotta agree with a character limit or limiting when new characters come to keep it from every page is just insert new character here that then gets tied up. But overall it was a very nice and fun project to do with everyone and can't wait to see how the next one goes and what it is about.


Farewell, My Dear Cramer has plenty of cute boys and girls to tie up.