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Full images can be found in my dropbox (This is only a preview!). The links to which can be found at the top of this post:


This is essentially the finale to the CYOA! It took a lot of effort to draw so many complex poses and gals, so I hope it was worth the wait.

While there is one last page to draw, it's more focused on just giving a proper 'end' to this story, and as such will not be open to voting/suggestions. Sorry about that!

In December, after the official end to the story, we'll start the process of figuring out what the next CYOA will be about. Hopefully everyone enjoyed this one enough that they're looking forward to the next one :)

I learned a lot in the process of making this one. That said, I'll be making a post in a few days asking for people to offer any suggestions/criticism on what they would like to see me do more or less of, or otherwise change to the next CYOA project. 

Next time I do a page like this, I'm drawing tape instead of rope D:<



John Doe

Just for clarification: does the bottom panel happen after the middle one, or before? The dialogue in the middle seems to imply that the bound ones are Hinata and Sanae, yet the bottom panels she seems to have undone the whole appearance stealing? Or is she still using Shizunes appearance in it? Am I missing something? Overthinking? Need to re-read the previous pages? Either way, stunning work, been a real treat to watch it come together!


Oh maybe I didn't make it clear enough. Sanae is still Shizune, which means that the others are Hinata (Sanae) and Shizune (Hinata), the two suspended in rope. Sanae is going to change Hinata, Shizune and her own appearance back to the way things are meant to be now that she's finished in Konoha. Perhaps I will go and try to edit it a bit later and make it more clear. The whole appearance swapping, especially once a third got involved, made it confusing I agree haha.

John Doe

Ah, now I see, thanks for clearing it up :) I suppose the appearance swapping did get a little hard to follow towards the end, but I'd argue it largely comes from the longer period of time the projects been active - you lose track of details like these quicker. I will say that the concept is really exciting and fun - it adds that extra underlying peril-esque feel to the story that really enhances it :)


Very kind of you to say! And yes, you're right, I suppose anyone that reads through every page back to back in one sitting will probably not be as confused. Given that months have passed since we last saw Hinata/Shizune (Sanae/Hinata) it's easy to forget! Good point good point. Appreciate your input as always, too :). Thank you!


No tape!!!!! Only rope!!!! Suffer Lure’s hand!!!


Suffer it has, my friend. Suffer it has. )': But in the sake of bullying ninja gals, it had to be done.