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Tell me what girl you'd like me to add to the poll, and we'll vote on which one I draw! Can be anyone at all, although keep in mind someone that others will vote on is important :).

If there's not many suggestions, I'll take some from previous polls. For the moment I'm maxing it out at 10, and I'll remove the ones that have the fewest votes.



Katana: Tatsu Yamashiro https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NjeACPMDY71vOsVcL3eyEKWj022ZJiWk/view?usp=sharing


I only know her from that silly movie with the people and the unicorn! But that is enough for me to want to draw her.


That movie did not do Tatsu justice and that is all most people will ever know of her. What little of her story they said was true but they wasted her character.


I did feel they could have done more with her! If she wins the poll, I'll have to look her up more before I start so I can properly invest myself into bullying her >:V


I was shocked last month that Ashe was so high, since A I didn't nominate her even though she's my most played champ in League, and two, she seems to have done well in the polls. That said, I again nominate Riza Hawkeye as I'm predictable!


How about Tier Harribel/Tia Halibel from Bleach in her resurrection form?


Poor Tier Harribel, never given the love in Bleach that she deserved. It's up to us to glorify her through mean bondage!


League gals are pretty popular, but I too was surprised she did that well! And Riza is still a doll, so more power to you!


Throwing Daphne (scooby doo) into the ring