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Meant to have this up yesterday. So instead, today I'll be posting this, the rest of my polls/suggestion topics and the new Asuka picture. Hurray!

Even tied up tighter than before, Sanae is still giving one of her abductors the heebie jeebies. Such is her power! (I guess?)

Obviously the only answer is to keep throwing more bondage on her until that feeling is completely masked!

Don't forget to check out all the goodies this month either: https://www.patreon.com/posts/38937718




Nice and snug for the trip.


I don't know it seems like she could get out. might need more bondage :3d always happy to see sanae get more secured. Can never be too safe.


Icy gaze or not, still best waifu!


LOL can not help thinking Sanae has already got free and she left the female boss wrapped up tight. Now even tighter. No power on this planet will protect them from her wrath...


Hahaha that would be a fun twist! Almost want to do that as a joke sequel now.


Gasp. You're too kind! Sanae will do her best to ensure she remains a waifu worthy of your admiration. Or at least I'll try and make sure she does. But she's grumpy and doesn't listen to me, so :(


More bondage is, of course, always the correct answer! You're a man of good tastes.