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EDIT: Alright, since Tsunade has a sizable lead, I'm going to choose her as my first remastered picture. I'll work on that after I finish Yang, but Tsunade may not be done until early October. Probably gonna go with a different angle as well, to better show off the gal <3. Also gonna play with some variant and mean ideas as well, because.. Because.

I'll make a new Remaster poll soon, with some added options. Thanks for voting on this one!


Alright, first poll. Two more on the way in the coming days as well!

To make it clear, this poll is to determine which old image I will redraw into a higher quality one. I'm picking images that are 10 years old first, and then I'll add more to the 'list' as time goes on.

Right now, you can view these on DeviantArt by copying the link, or downloading the attachments. I'll try to get a better method for this next poll, sorry! Still learning this Patreon stuff haha.

Edit: I apparently messed this poll up, and you're able to vote for every option. Thanks to Harley for pointing it out! I will change it for the upcoming polls and leave this one as is, as a shameful reminder.




oh my so many great options but gotta go with the rework on the tsunade one. That pic would look awesome updated.


I think it could certainly look a lot better than it does haha.


Oh man, this poll is making me feel old. I remember looking at these when they were first posted.


Haha, I definitely feel old looking at them too. And embarrassed!