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In a few days, I'll be making my Character and Variant polls. I'm already collecting Character suggestions from the appropriate Patrons, now I just need some Variant suggestions as well.

Right now, since there isn't a whole lot of finished content yet, just consider making suggestions that you may like to see (if any) for the Sakura, Tharja, and Korra. Keep in mind the more intense the variant suggestions (new outfit for example) the less 'winners' there will be!

I've uploaded a few variants so far, so hopefully they give you an idea of what sort of things you can add to the poll. I'll be adding some as well when I make it.

Here's the variants so far:







Do you want the variant ideas here?


Ok, how about a big one for Tharja, her wedding dress from Heroes <a href="https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/383/826/fce.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/383/826/fce.png</a> And for Sakura or Korra layered scarf gags with a headscarf?


Thanks for the suggestions! Since you were the only one to make them, I'll add all of yours to my poll later today haha.