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a'ight, this one has honestly been a long time coming, but I think it's clear to everyone the whole 'do my commissions through patreon' thing has become a bit of a problem.

Effective immediately, I will be closing all pledge tiers related to commissions. There will also be some restructuring as far as the remaining tiers go. It will be up to you guys to remove your pledges. Everything after April that remains will be taken as a donation and you will not get artwork for it.

I'm going to spend a little while trying to clear out my extensive backlog, and possibly re-open something new relating to the new way I'm doing commissions once that's handled.

Obviously the idea of doing physical copies of my comics has got to go. I love it in concept and still wish I could do it, but unfortunately the logistics and fulfillment aspect of it proved way too much for me to handle, even on this small of a scale.

The 5 and 10$ tiers will be replaced with something new. I don't know exactly what just yet, but we'll figure something out.

That said, don't worry: You guys will still be able to get art from me quite often. We're gonna do more traditional commission formats so I don't get completely flooded in my backlog. Commissions will be available on-stream and through specific openings that I will announce and advertise when and only when I am able to handle them.

I'm not going anywhere, I just need to figure out a more viable structure for how to produce art and get it to my clients in a timely manner. Hopefully this page will become populated with more other things like fan art and comic pages (Don't worry, Gates of Hell and D&D are not abandoned, I promise) in addition to the regular flow of commissions.

I am truly sorry for how tardy and delinquent I've been about fulfilling you guys' requests up until this point. It honestly eats at me pretty hard that I'm so damn far behind when y'all are the reason I have a roof over my head and food on the table. I genuinely can't put into words how deeply I appreciate all the support you've given me over the years, and I'm going to find a way to do better by you in the future.



Thanks for working to make a positive change, Baku


Makes sense–congrats and support for making the right decision for your mental health. I can definitely believe the toll that mountain of commissions would take, and I can’t imagine that’s a good environment for creative flourishing either. I’m going to miss it, but I’d miss it even more if you burned out and quit doing this!