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Hey everyone,

Thanks for all the patience while I've been toiling away at For Small Creatures Such As We. That has been such a massive project and while it's not done yet, I do finally have some breathing room to resume working on Dance of Seasons.

As a reminder, Dance of Seasons is the next Apothecaria Expansion and will introduce Seasonal Event Tables for each of the base game Locales so that's a whopping 36 tables with a total of 468 Events! 

There's also going to be Reagents and Tools though I don't think we're going to put any new Ailments into this one considering the size of it already.

I'm fortunate enough to have the help of my wonderfully creative partner on this one and we've been bouncing ideas off of each other to ensure this expansion doesn't feel like its retreading old ground.

I'm really pleased at the weird and intersting worldbuilding that we've got going on in these Events which should hopefully make your High Rannoc feel unique and magical without stepping on your toes.

With events like:

You come across a goblin who is having difficulty freezing themselves for the winter. They demand you help. If you have a Reagent with [HOT] you may freeze them immediately or you can Decrease the Timer by 2 to freeze them another way. If you help them, what happens? If you don't, what insult do they hurl at you?

It is quite literally raining cats and dogs. Thankfully the clouds appear to only be ten or so feet above the ground and some of the daemons have put out soft things for them to land on. How do you react to the weather? Increase the Foraging Value of all Reagents by 5.

As the year stars anew some people have resolved to do new things. You come across one such villager. What are they doing? How are they getting on with it?

I'll let you guess where each of those Events comes from :)

On top of these Seasonal Events, we're also introducing Seasonal Effects for most (probably all) of the Locales that introduce things like The Summer Arts Festival in High Rannoc where you can go and catch a show, treat a second patient each week, and even put on your own show to earn a little extra Silver. It's the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and probably just as packed with pushy flyer punters.

I don't have an expected release date on this just yet and may end up doing a more piecemeal release so as to not keep you waiting too long so watch this space!

Thanks once again for your support and I promise I'll get back to a somewhat consistent release schedule soon.


Madi Ritchie

I am so excited for this <3