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As thanks for all your support I give you For Small Creatures Such As We!

This 250 page sci fi solo RPG puts you in the shoes of a human captain with an alien crew that you generate, learn about, and befriend over the course of your adventures. 

This is an incomplete Beta, some things are still in need of Art, Layout, and the Uncharted Worlds system isn't in place so the Explore Mission can't be done just now but apart from that, there's still enough content in here to keep you going for months!

AND there's a co-op mode!

If you have any feedback, please let me know over on the Blackwell Games Discord in the #playtest-feedback channel


For Small Creatures Such As We.zip

Shared with Dropbox



https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/z58kn563wvf6zsoq9ci77/h?rlkey=kz6u7km1y4kj4vrycpfecou37&dl=0 new link


Hex map request - can you add a texture or other indicator other than color for the colored hexes? I've been trying to play on my kindle scribe, which works well, except for the hex colors, in gray scale they look the same. (I suspect this would also help with people who are color blind or want to print in black and white)


In case you want to see how it looks in general - https://photos.app.goo.gl/ysX5jBBLdwm3fCnb6