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Hey everyone, 

Sorry about the silence over the past couple of months. I've been working hard on For Small Creatures Such As We in order to get it ready for a digital beta release on the 20th of December and unfortunately that has been taking up nearly all of my time.

I have been working on the Dance of Seasons expansion for Apothecaria but much like all my projects these days, it's a big one. 4 Seasons for each of the Locales means that it has 36 Tables worth of Events. Each of which has 14 Events for a grand total of 504 new Events! So that may take a little while longer.

As for good news, this year was the first year I was able to complete NaNoWriMo and my first novel Wolf and Fang Detective Agency: The God Thief is already up at 200 pages :) The plan is to get it finished in the next couple of months then edit, find a publisher, and release that but you lovely lot won't have to wait that long. Once I've got a version that I'm happy with, I'll be giving it out to Patreon supporters. 

The book is about a werewolf and a vampire who have started their own detective agency and are having to track down a thief who has somehow stolen a statue of a forgotten god. But what seems like a straightforward theft at first gets weirder at every turn as they realise something much bigger is going on.

As soon as FSCSAW's beta release is done, I'll be back with more to share!


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