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It has been a quick couple weeks since I posted the poll asking what the next Patreon expansion should be. Mostly during that time I've been deep in the For Small Creatures mines or sorting out things around the house (who knew moving would be so drawn out).

But, I'm happy to announce that the winner of the poll by a clear landslide was Apothecaria!

The expansion I've started working on is Dance of Seasons.

This expansion expands upon the 9 Locales from the base Apothecaria game and introduces seasonal event tables for each of them as well as some new Reagents and Ailments and Tools to fit into the changing weather.

So far we're just throwing events at the wall to see what sticks and sorting out the clutter later as Dance of Seasons will have 36 Event Tables which is already 72 pages worth of content.

The goal is to have Dance of Seasons ready by early November but I'll keep you all updated as we go :)



Dance of Seasons is shaping up quite nicely but who'd have thought that 36 event tables takes a long time to write XD. So far my favourite event is coming across a not quite unthawed goblin during Spring who demands you help them.