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Hey everyone, I just got the news that my dad has been taken into hospital with lung cancer yesterday and it has thrown me very much out of whack. I don't think I'm going to be able to put out an expansion this month but I will share some behind the scenes stuff from For Small Creatures and CONTAIN once I get my head on straight again.


Rachel Powell McCurley

I'm so sorry. Thank you for letting us know. Take care of you and your family first. We'll be here when you get back. *hugs from afar*

Nathan Rumbaugh

Best wishes for you and you family. Don't forget to take care of yourself also.


Sending best wishes and a mug of your favorite warm beverage


Best wishes for you and your dad. Take all the time you need. ❤️


Oh my goodness :( I really hope things go as well as possible for him. Time with loved ones is priceless, the games will always be there :D


As others have said family comes first please do take the time you need and look after yourself too 💜


Don't worry, your family should take priority. We all understand!

Dennis Sison

Please don't forget to take care of yourself too. Sometimes we forget that when we're caring for others.


I'm so sorry to hear that. My own dad battled lung cancer a few years ago so I know intimately how much that news can rock your world. Take care and don't worry about anything but family.


Thank you so much everyone. It took a while for me to respond to this as I kept getting a lump in my throat whenever I tried. Your kindness has meant such a lot to me and really helped during that initial spike of sadness. Things have settled down a bit now and while my dad isn't likely to get better, we at least have treatment options to take the edge off of it.