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Hey everyone, sorry for the scattered posts last month and the late Maker's Market. Juggling running a web shop, making For Small Creatures, and doing Patreon stuff alongside having a work life balance is a bit trickier than I'd been led to believe! 

Hopefully you're all enjoying The Dig as my July offering. It was a very fun game to make and was a blast to put out into the world and who knows, maybe I'll find a viable way to make the other scratch-off games I want to make.

But as for this month, I'm taking a break from the monthly expansion groove that I'd found myself falling into and making something new. I haven't quite decided what yet but I'll let you know through the month with sneak peeks and design digests. Maybe I'll even do a poll if I can't decide by myself.

Mostly though, I'll be working on For Small Creatures this month and will hopefully have something cool to show you. Right now I'm working on the Mission mechanics and Planet Events so still a ways away from getting something playable but it's coming together.


Claire Rosewarne

I totally missed the kickstarter, will there be an option for a late pledge?