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The shop is now open for early access to all patrons!

The can enter the shop using the code:


The place to put in the password can be hard to see, but it's in the upper right hand corner as I've circled here. The shop will go live to the public tomorrow and it will be way crazier to shop then so if there's anything you want be sure to grab it sooner rather than later! You can also use the same store password (springpins) as a bonus Patrons exclusive discount (applies to pins only not the originals). Happy shopping and as always thanks for being my lovely patrons, I couldn't do it without you!




I got one of the pins! Although I didn't realize there was a discount so I forgot it :(


I didn't realize there was a discount either:(


Are there any stickers available this restock? Sorry if it's been mentioned before.


I too was far too excited to get the pin and neglected the discount 😅


Everything on there is gorgeous and I cannot wait to receive my orderrr!!! :)


I forgot to use the discount code lmao


No it’s a pins only drop this time! My shop will be open in full later in two months probably

Tina Gomez

Gris I forgot to use the discount🥺


You can email my customer support support@lordgris.com and they can give you the discount ❤️


Just placed my order 😆💖


Already ordered!! And right after I pressed pay I remembered the discount 😭😅 lol oops


Lol same as everyone I went too fast and forgot the discount code 😭


I'm not into pins but I'm in love with Glitch Girl so I purchase one <3 I was so exited that I missed the discount jajaja I only actively purchase one from feefal and one from you :) I have another one from Ladowska too ^^


Was so excited to place my order!! I did, sadly, forget about the discount though.. just wanted to run in and get the pins I wanted before things started selling out


got the rainbow glitch girl yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You can email my customer support and they can refund you the discount amount! Support@lordgris.com


Saaame! I’m so happy!


Forgot the discount too! 😭


Thank you so much!! Placed my little order with the discount, cant wait to get the butterfly and the ramen girls ❤


noooo, I forgot the discount :(


Ahhh so excited!! Ready to start my pin collection 😆


I forgot the discount too, but i wanted to rush so I didn’t miss out lmao


I forgot the discount, but I lost out on my limited edition pin. It was in my shopping cart. Come back and it’s sold out. When I tell you I almost cried. I feel when we put something in our shopping carts we should be allowed to have a time restraint on that item. I only had to verify my account and came back not even a minute later and boom gone!!!! 😫😫😭😭😭


In regards to the limited edition glitch, are there any set aside for the shop opening tomorrow or now that they are sold out and they all gone? I ask cause I want one so bad and I almost had it but I'm at work and couldn't place the order fast enough 🙃


I got distracted and missed rainbow glitch girl, which makes me sad, but I was able to get two other pins I really wanted! I had to limit myself anyway, next shop update I’ll pick up some more!


I’m so happy for you to see things selling out quickly! You work hard making beautiful art and it makes me happy to successful artists.


I'm so haapppyyy❤❤❤ I managed to get one of the LE glitch girl pins!!! In my excitement though I forgot to apply the discount code💔


:') i forgot the discount oh well, i couldnt' get my hands on an LE glitch girl pin


.... I didn't even get far enough down in the post to see that there was a discount.... whelp. whoops i guess.




Dammit. Couldn't get that ion pin. 😭 Wtf.


Will some of these pin designs become available as stickers at a later point? I absolutely LOVE the headspace one but would want to have it either as a sticker or a keychain. Also, the bumblebee girl and the toiletpaper waifu..will those come back?


Yay! I got the pins I wanted! I know I'm gonna loose it eventually so I even got myself a second one just in case haha


Oh man I should make one of those ITA bags so nobody ever loses a pin! I’ve lose some pins myself and it’s always such a sad day ;w;


In another shop update I’ll probably make the pin designs into stickers totally! Other items that were in the shop should be back in my next shop update


Yeah, please! an ITA bag would be perfect! The pins are amazing, but the international shipping its always super expensive 😭 I could buy another pin with that money


I got a pin that has sold out last time you opened the shop 😄 sadly I missed out on some things because timezones 😔


Sorry if this is cheesy ope, but I just wanted to comment and compliment the setup of your shop! It was very easy to navigate and when selecting some pins for purchase, I was clearly able to tell which option/color I was getting. I know setting up a functional shop takes work, and I appreciate the time you put into yours :)


Oh gosh thank you that’s so nice of you to say!! I worked really hard to make my shop navigatable because I’m a huge dumb dumb when it comes to technology and I know there’s others out there like me suffering at the hands of confusing UI’s haha. ❤️❤️❤️


Can you make more of them in the future? I feel like being a patreon subscriber should mean that we are able to actually score some of your extra beautiful things but reading the comments here makes me think that many others missed out on it too... 😭


Wait there was a discount? 😭 I'll go to support