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Hello friends! As promised here are pictures of the originals that will be for sale in the drop tomorrow, you guys will have 24 hour early access to them and everything else in the store before they go on sale to the general public on friday! Some are completed works and some are the original sketches for artworks I colored digitally. The acrylic painting (first slide) is subject to a tiny bit of change because I'm still tweaking on it but when it's up on the website tomorrow it will show the true final image! Can't wait! Check back on Patron tomorrow at 3PM PST for the code to the store to get in. <3




Im so excitedddd!!!


How does this work? Is there a link? Or do you message or?


You just go to my website lordgris.com and put in the password, I'll be giving you guys the password tomorrow &lt;3


I'm glad I already have a window open for the shop. I hope i don't ignore the alarm I set lmao


So excited!


Might not be able to get a print, have my wedding in September. But I'll be getting pins!! 🥰


Oh man. I need another lordgris original


You got the OG babyyyy haha I always think of that one and how I could do so much better now XD


and I will cherish it forever! My old frame broke so I finally bought a new frame. Now just looking for a place to hang it up.

Tina Gomez

I hope I can afford an original, idk how much they run for😁💙


So excited yay. Hopefully I might be able to snag one. Everything is beautiful


Will we get a patreon discount code for the pins?


Will the password drop in it's own post right at 3pm PT?