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Dungeon Court is STILL in session! Join Sauce Bosses Murphy, Tanner, Axford and the saucy Bailiff Jake as they continue to pass judgement on your trials at the table!

Dungeon Court Theme Song by Sam Weiller



Petri, no not that Petri, the other one.

For the DM that forgot about their fiend NPC, I will tell you about the magic of NYSTUL'S MAGIC AURA!!! That spell will make the creature register as a different type of creature!

Mr. Dude Sky

For combat techniques like disarming there is chapter 9 of the DMG which goes over rules for those situations. It’s also got cool stuff for marking targets and climbing on big creatures! I recommend checking it out.

Nolan Childerhose

Anyone else have the ending cut-off mid closer? I feel like it was Emily enacting her will upon the recording to not have to hear Flintstone dice rolls, lol.


Siding with the rogue is crazy


The crit cap is especially bad since 20s on ability checks are just high numbers, not critical successes.


I feel like as a DM, I would get frustrated so quick if one of my PCs was a rogue with like a +11 to sleight of hand and just every single combat spent their bonus actions removing and pocketing the weapons of all of my enemies

Ilana Galpert

Caldwell--I'm so sooo sorry to badger you like this I promise this is the last art question (cross my heart and hope to die, work as an unpaid robin runner if I lie.) I want to make sure I'm not plagiarizing since these images aren't attributed. Are these yours? https://doih87m1dc6d2.cloudfront.net/images/campaigns/camp3/hungrydave.webp https://doih87m1dc6d2.cloudfront.net/images/misc/emptybag.webp https://doih87m1dc6d2.cloudfront.net/images/campaigns/camp2/onyxlumiere.webp


I think the DM in the disarming case was right for the wrong reasons. While in general I do think it is reasonable to let someone use a Slight of Hand check to try and lift an opponent's stowed weapon, in the specific situation described in the case I don't think the fictional positioning allowed for it. The rogue had just disarmed the enemy, which means they were facing each other, but the crossbow was stowed on his back. Without doing something to change the situation, I don't think the rogue would have been able to get at the crossbow.

Logan Freeborn

Fun ep, would of probably said to the rogue that they can make the bonus action disarm out of hidden, otherwise if your enemy can see you reach for their pack or belt they can just like, lean away from you or bat your hand out of their pocket.

Courtney F.

Shades of MurphBot with that Crit Cap BS... 🤖


Two ball screwball


Don't worry, Murph, I definitely remember the gumball ice cream because I fully choked on it as a child.


A diner in the town I grew up in had a bubblegum milkshake, complete with rock hard shards of frozen gum. Good times.


That last case reminded me of a situation in a homebrew campaign (that went much better for all of us). Whenever we rested in the wilderness, we took shifts keeping watch, and the DM would roll to see if something happened. When our fighter was on watch, a bear showed up. He was asked what he wanted to do, and he wanted to fight. The DM asked if he wanted to alert the party first. He sat there in silence for a moment, then said no much to everyone's shock. He ended up wrestling the bear, making checks to put it in a choke hold and stay quiet so as not to wake us up. He wasn't rolling great on damage, but he was nailing those checks. Then the next day we all wake up and he's battered with claw marks all of over, changing the topic whenever we in character questioned him about it. It was a hilarious back and forth. He did get solo xp from it but honestly, he deserved it.

Alan Ma

My gods the "crit cap" story made me physically squirm


I think for the disarming slight of hand, it would really depend on the weight of the item. I know this based on irl experience fencing, I've definitely drawn a dagger from my opponents' belt to use, but I don't think you'd ever be able to effectively disarm anything bigger than that with sleight of hand. Disarms are very rare in general in swordplay, and when they do happen it's almost always using more strength and leverage, you can't sneakily yoink anything. That all is to say, I think the disarming dm was right. Maybe if the rogue had tried for like, a dagger or something smaller than a whole crossbow.


When you start ruling like that though it defeats the purpose of balanced game design. It would be such a weirdly specific ability to only be able to yoink daggers. Abilities aren’t meant to be *that* situational, so I think it needs to be an all or nothing ruling on weapons


When you are in Ft. Lauderdale, there is a Rainforest cafe near their at the Sawgrass Mall


Caldwell coming up with that second bicep tat was like when you start a sentence you don't expect others to pay attention to but then they fully do so you have to finish. I really enjoyed that thanks.

Caitlyn Dill

That crit cap is fucking *crazy*. My party has always whomped the shit out of me. It's funny, they make fun of me, we move on!

Sam Johnston

Oh man, some TERRIBLE Dstuff in this episode. I foundmyself wondering why Murph wasn't just saying "you need new friends" so much that I'm now sure he must have resolved to stop giving that ruling.


For the thief rogue, I would allow an object interaction since that is also in the fast hands description. It would be an opposed athletics check imo