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You know the drill! Jake and Caldwell are rounding out the month with some streams! Here's when!

Jake's Painting Party - March 30th @ 4PM EST

Caldwell's Drawing Stream - March 31st @ 3PM EST 

As always, if you've got suggestions for what Caldwell should draw, drop them in the comments below!

See You There!

~ Caldwell and Jake 


Mirjam K

Winter Aladrin Callie! or the famed jessica simpson poster?

Katie P.

I'd love to see what you think Calder's doing in the meantime, maybe he's making snowmen of his buddies so he can talk to them? Or perhaps disillusioned Hardwon


Can Caldwell draw Itchaboi meeting Beverly


Falster mid egg yolk


Jessica Simpson eating beans

Marge In Charge

A find a bean in the beard hidden pictures search ;P I’d love to see an ultriss with a newly unhot glenn The awkward tent talk was pretty vivid in the duck hut


Calder making ice sculptures

Skillful Ferret (insert fan art request)

I like the tweet with the updated outfits (for continuity) But did the rest of the crew get similar outfits? Has Callie's hair type changed to match the winter esthetic? Does Sol still have his gem as a necklace. Since the gem was in his heart I have been making it heart shaped. Has Hardwon fashioned himself to match using clothes from like a dresser in the duck hut? Is Sol taller now with the new sub class? Does Foster wear any matching clothes?


Also adding my voice to the False-ter request. I wanna see that little abomination.


Hey Caldwell, I'd love to see your art of our new crew: Shroomy Sol, Crystalized Callie, & Hermit Hardwood! They all seem to be struggling with loss in different ways, the poor souls.


I have two cats named after a mec anime, can you draw a kitten mec/transformer? 😸


Falseter and Leomund’s Tiny Duck!


Yes to all of these! Seconding Leomund's tiny duck 🦆🚐


Hardwon looking unkempt!


Are these times actually supposed to be EDT?


I want to see Big Bev and Little Bev hanging out.


Hardwon and falseter covered in egg for sure


What if you drew Sol but in a WWE wrestling outfit


The Roc as The Rock

Evan Cordero

Some kind of Landscape picture. Maybe the Duck Team rolling thru Ezry?


The chili/twister pot


Let’s get some one piece baby or some of you favorite current fiction


I’d love to see falseter