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Check out NADDPOD's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of C3 Ep. 31: Peaks and Valleys. 



Katie P.

I need to know Emily's recommended mythology reading list


Emily should check out the Merlin app by Cornell Lab. It records the sounds and identifies the birds it hears or that you photograph.

Glenn Dowdle

Big rose for Gnolls mating lol


After the living wood, next Caw Caw is in Frostwind when he is sent after Meemaw. After that it's 30 or so episodes till he's mentioned again in Gladeholm, then another 30 or so till he shows up in episode 99.

Nick Lerche

Quit hoggin the leech!!


I have been relistening and ironically I just got to the ep where Cawcaw SHOWS UP AGAIN in Gladeholm as a accidentally being taken in as a messenger raven for the king. It’s ep 74/75.

Bryttany A

Not me sitting here cheesing about The Last of Us tidbits


I'm also getting into birds?? I put out my feeders for the first time in 2 years and am really enjoying seeing all the lil guys that come for snacks. I'm hoping to make a lil bird garden with a bath and some bird houses :)


hardwon's highschool years sidequest: Rocky Mountain High


I want a caw caw shirt that says "I respect birds"

Peydon Bush

Link can jump in windwaker you freaking IDIIIOT! (Lol jk about the idiot part lol)

Branson White

On sleeping outside: look up how to sleep in a hammock. Hands down best sleep of my life. With a sleeping pad, an under quilt, and sleeping bag it’s perfection.


Emily if you ever in Scotland come during puffin season, they’re exquisitely weird.

Ilana Galpert

"calli thinks the way she loves repels people" *cackles maniacally*

Mr. Dude Sky

I’ve been camping up at Lake George on the islands for 20 years. Jake is right, the best part is when you return to civilization. I had to do a double take when he mentioned my favorite place.

Brandon Wiens

The Roc is an Egyptian mythological creature! ❤️


I wonder at what point female children stop seeing gazoo? 🤔

Madison Beske-Somers

I am getting into bird watching and would LOVE the bird mythology book recs


I believe Cawa cawa wasn’t mentioned till the mountains of iron deep


I always tell my wife that a major sign of getting old is when you start to get excited about seeing birds. I’m fully there, btw. We have a falcon that lives in our backyard that I cherish.

Katie P.

I love corvids and they like me, but I have a one sided feud with the local witch girl because she's been feeding the crows exclusively and fucking up the local bird ecology. She wants them to be territorial of her house and yard and the crows have bullied the cardinals and the blackbirds away. Now all we have in our sad little town in NJ are mourning doves and crows

Kal. Just Kal.

Spoiler warning - frozen 2, animorphs, the flinstones, and maybe the jetsons


Two more bird recs in addition to the Merlin app: 1) the digital version of Wingspan. It plays multiple versions of the bird sounds when you play a bird. 2) the Corvid episode of Ologies with Allie Ward! Super interesting corvid facts


Here’s the ep link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2SHRqwykgwVUN4QK2NCasY?si=vBfp9OAxTmK2TizSjuy3SA


I'm currently finishing up a master's thesis about ravens (another corvid) in Utah -and Adam Conover's uncle, Dr. Michael Conover is on my thesis committee! This means I'm only like 1 degree of separation away from birding with Emily and Adam...which means I'm only like 2 degrees of separation away from birding with Brennan..


Cawcaw comes back in ep 35 frostwind


Wait Rachel dies??????


Theres also Rawk Hawk the wrestler from paper mario. Which still kills me.


Love being a fly on your wall


The Stone Giant was perhaps the freakiest thing Murph has come up with. The sound editing on the humming? Big spooks.


Excited to see Caldwell and Jake role play together without Emily. I feel like they don’t get a lot of one on one time

Nicole Jordan

So crazy with the time frame of D20 and NADDPOD because for those of us watching neverafter is that the Rok with Scheherazade was pretty recent for the audience so I knew right away that’s what it was! But for them itwas so long ago that they don’t even remember!

Kaileigh Rose

Me tearing up when you guys sang piano man because it made me think of my best friend who just moved a few states away (I won't explain our inside jokes hahaha) 🥺

Michael W

I fell behind on listening so i just got to this episode, but Emily might enjoy the book "The Case of the Toxic Spell Dump", by Harry Turtledove, based on her mentioning the Garuda Bird.

Joshua Brint

Caldwell is so real for the pineapple upside down cake, we made one every time i went camping as a kid

Nikolaus Cox

I study Islamic archaeology, and by extension folklore, and the Roc is a big deal in Islamic legend. It features in the adventures of Sinbad, and was known to be an eagle which preyed on elephants. There is a suspicion that early Islamic explorers, finding the remains of elephant birds (a genus of giant extinct ratite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant_bird) on Madagascar, believed the remains to come not from an animal resembling a massive emu, but a bird resembling a massive eagle.


Roc has been in a lot of JRPGs as a bird enemy and it has always confused me.


Surprised Brennan’s not your bird person 😂