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Throw another log on the fire, because the 2 Crew is STILL answering your questions! Pull up a chair and join us for another round of Hearthside Chats! 




I thought Gyllenhall or Skarsgard too

David Guerrero

Y'all were never gonna get to this guy, and that's fine, but Glen Powell would be a great Glen, not just cause of the name. I hope someone backs me up, he was the jerk in the new Top Gun movie


Not sure if someone's mentioned this but the name I'll throw in for glen is Oscar Issac!


a hard relisten about cob

Brianna M

After that Holiday characters in D&D question, I can't wait to stat out Dolly for Sue (Rudolph).


100% agree with emily on the guy from Charlie's Angels as Glen


Since Glen's crick name was revealed to be Sawyer, I've been picturing Josh Holloway (aka Sawyer from Lost) this entire time. So that's my nomination.


Yes let's have Sawyer from LOST as Glen! That's inspired and now I can totally see it. Although he was more rogue with a heart and passionate seething bad boy on that show. And Glen has more distant seductive manipulator vibe which I'm curious how he'd play. But still love that casting.

thaesimir .

No one's said Adam Driver for Glenn yet?


Y’all gotta tell us what emily ended up getting for the white elephant!


I love the question about what holiday character would you play as a DnD character. My first thought is just a tree ent, for Arbor Day. Also, done a lot of thinking about this: Jack Skellington would be a one of the undead races (obvi), noble background, Death Domain Cleric.


The best white elephant gift I ever got was a mint, in package, Jek Porkins action figure.


YES Sam Rockwell is so underrated and could totally embody glenn


Mentally, prepared to be reminded of snowbird from this episode. Thank you, Caldwel.