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Dungeon Court is STILL in session! Justices Murphy, Axford, Tanner, as well as Bailiff Jake reconvene in the Headgum Studio to bring you EVEN MORE trials at the table.



Tom Bruynell

If we take their take on the guy horn case to its logical conclusion then you should be able to restrain 10 tarrasques for 100 turns with no save. On a 5th level spell. Does that sound reasonable?


Wow listening to this the guy horn almost sounds like the idea seed for Murph’s PC in starstruck

Nolan Childerhose

Nice to see they got Bailiff Jake back for this one


Oh yall should definitely do a campaign where yall are playing the ring wraiths just trying to find that goddamn ring. Might be a little similar to Bloodkeep on D20 but I feel like yall would put a fun and interesting spin on it

Nia R

Jake Humble!!


It feels like with the Guy Horn(TM), they could have maybe compromised by having the Guys make dex rolls on their turns to limbo out, so the spell slows them down to, like, two Guys a round instead of all twelve?


I feel like they generously read wall of force. Like if that is how wall of force is going to work, all bad guys then need dispel magic/ disintegrate. I think they could have been restrained for a round or two, but I don't think any spell just gets to indefinitely (10 minutes) restrain 12 guys with no save


This is what I was thinking the whole time, it's one thing to pin them with it and have them taking turns to wriggle out (12 enemies taken out of combat for a round? NOT a wasted spell in any sense), but to have them actually stuck for the duration is absurd, and an abuse of lack of wording. Not to mention, it bothered me how judgemental of the DM they were on this case. They took the players point of view and context and put the DM through the ringer. So BBEGs don't have contingency plans anymore? They even talk about their own horn from C1. Ffs.


I think the guy horn was just a "horn of Valhalla" like hardwon had and they just didn't call it ghosts. Anyway, the ruling of the Wall of Force being used as written but not necessarily intended, is one of those times it sets a dangerous precedent for the DM to be able to do the same thing back to the players, "you're restrained, no save," which I wouldn't want to open up.


I think from now on every case should end with, "How would you rule Jake?".

Summer Tribe

wall of force is just a generous spell my guys, they wrote it busted, that's how it be


It's definitely clever thinking and the player should be rewarded, but to me dnd rules are no different to a video game, with the 5ft square as a baseline(think any strategy game). While the dm may have pulled the minions out of nowhere(it could have also just been poor planning/HP management) I think in this situation I'm rewarding the players thinking by giving them some time where the minions are restrained but they're making saving throws to get out. And highlighting to the players that if this is how the spell is intended, that I can basically only throw groups of ranged combatants at them or give my baddies counter spell/disintegrate. Or the enemy spellcasters find out about this miracle spell and it takes away any agency they have. It's the kind of thing that you're better off establishing the first time or early rather than letting the players do it to the next couple of encounters and then trying to take it away