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Welcome to Dungeon Court! Join Justices Murphy, Tanner, Axford and the multi-talented Jon Odenkirk Hurwitz as they convene to pass judgement on your trials at the table.

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Dungeon Court Theme Song by Sam Weiller




Don't most most school cafeterias double as the gym?


Does anyone know what “guest of man” meant?


The people demand a retrial on the Robbed 20


We love the judges this was obviously a blindspot for them and as the defendants Lawyer Id like to move for appeal


okay as a dm and a player, im definitely a dm that would allow my players to play on a plane. i also just want to play man

Jonathan Yarberough

Personally I disagree with the idea that everyone must accept character death. Some people like the stakes and adrenaline that you might die and lose this character, but other people take that extremely hard. I put a hell of a lot of time into my dnd characters and all that I want from my dnd games is a fun adventure. I want to be the hero of the story, I wanna battle the bbeg with the character I started with. I don't WANT TO BE DISSINTEGRATED. When I'm dming I look at my every move and decide will My players enjoy this? I tell them out of game all the time, worst case scenario I tpk and we start up in the 9 hells or something.


Joining team “retrial for the stolen nat 20”. It sounds like our honorable justices and the DM aren’t familiar with how advantage rolls work in Roll20. The rolls are in order from left to right, not simultaneous, so the first roll is correct.


So On the roll20 nat 20 issue. I do think the dm was being a bit of a hardass. From my experience the general rule is the left most number if you roll with advantage is the roll if you didn’t roll with advantage…. But that’s me…. People just forget to hit the toggle a lot especially if the first roll was with advantage and the second wasn’t.

Tye De Yoe

Hard disagree with the roll20 advantage case ruling; it’s very easy to tell which dice roll was the first roll, and the DM was clearly being an asshole. I’ll chalk this one up to the judges being unfamiliar with how Roll 20 works. Somehow I feel like this is bailiff John’s fault.

Tye De Yoe

While I 100% agree with wanting the character I start with to be the one to reach the finish line, having stakes like Character death is what makes the game fun and engaging. The idea that you could lose the character makes them all the more precious to me. That said, I do think some DMs are a little too generous with killing PCs. Death should be there, but having multiple PCs die over and over deflates the game IMO. B it if you don’t like character death, Is there an alternative you prefer? or rather, what do you use to keep stakes of not character death?


I'm not the person you're replying to but some alternative stake ideas I thought of could be: you have to sacrifice an important memory to the ferryman on the river styx to bring you back to life, or a magic item of yours surges with magic to protect you and is destroyed in the process, or your party being knocked unconscious results in a nearby town being attacked by the monster you lost to and you have to carry that guilt. Definitely a session 0 convo but that's what I've got off the top of my head.


I also HARD disagree with the Roll20 ruling. Roll20 sets up the character sheets to auto-roll with advantage, and I’ve played in close to 10 campaigns in which that’s never been an issue. People roll and take the left number so frequently that I consider it the default rolling style. To the person who submitted that ruling - DM me and I’ll run a one-shot for you where you can have some fun on Roll20 without getting dunked on for no reason.

Tye De Yoe

A lot of those are great alternatives. I very much like the “knocked unconscious and precious items being stolen” route. I still think the risk of death should be in a game, not EVERY loss needs to equal character death, you know? I think for me a satisfying campaign has 1-3 deaths with 1-2 revives. Any more than that and it just feels like a revolving door of PCs you have to pretend to be endeared to.

華偉 曾

I agree the roll20 DM is a bit harsh, but a player that knows to toggle how they roll, you would expect them don't make mistakes. if I were the DM, I would let them have the 20, but firmly ask them to set to default rolling system.


While I understand the issue lots of people here have with the Roll20 rule (even I play advantage always on and just take the left one,) that might not be how that dm runs their Roll20 game, and you can't argue with them on that. So I think the ruling should stand.


Another one for team retrial. I’ve been playing on Roll 20 for a couple years, and we regularly forget to flip the switch or Roll 20 glitches and rolls with advantage. The left die is the first die rolled. If these were virtual dice that looked like dice (like on D&D Beyond) or real dice, I’d absolutely agree, but this DM was just a jerk.

Jessica Cooper

*SPOILERS?* The dog in all dogs go to heaven was not going to be sent to hell, he was sent to heaven and was told every dog gets a clock or watch and when it stops they are dead, he stole his watch and wound it, and when he went back to earth the dog angel told him he could never come back because of what he'd done. In the end he redeemed himself by dying for the little girl. This was my favorite movie when I was a little girl and upon trying to rewatch with my little girl recently I was slightly horrified at the adult themes I didn't notice


Obviously this court shouldn’t be ruling on a Roll20 case since they don’t use it. I mean this comments section is basically an appeals court, I’ve never seen it so unanimous about one case.