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Check out NADDPOD's Patreon exclusive after show! This week, we discuss the events of Episode 92: The Wraith on the Pale Horse. 



The Seasonal Goblin

Holy moly the real life dm Murph. I love hearing that story!


Halflings are really strong but I feel like the Satyr playable race is stronger. They have magic resistance and they are fey so humanoid spells can not target them.


I'm a bit surprised no one mentioned Ilsed as an option for wearer of the Hellfire Crown.


First! ^_^


Truly have never been so excited since I literally just finished the ep as well


Damn, 2nd!

Terran Benedict

I had a long day and was just about to go to bed...but I guess I can stay up a little longer. Thank you Daddy Murph 🙏


I did the same thing, couldn’t think of the letter after Q without doing the alphabet


I'm so excited!!!!!


I think the timeless body is an 18th level thing, level 20 druid I'm pretty sure is just unlimited wild shapes


I did make a homebrew feat for the changelings (because if humans, dwarves, elves, gnomes, half orcs and tieflings get racial feats why shouldn't other people), where you can develop a few specific personas, and get a racial trait (like halfling's lucky feature) from the race their persona is.


(only while you are that in that persona's form, though)


If they defeat thiala could moonshine use true resurrection on Pelor?


If you start a GoFundMe for a dinner, it really has to have sliders and crick-water. Milk is sent to Murph, as is tradition.


Emily! Burn Legendary Reistances with Faerie Fire! It’s a low level spell but it gives you advantage as long as it’s up and the majority of monsters...don’t want you to have advantage on them


Emily: tear through legendary resistances with low-level aoe that have half-damage effects or other things going on instead of those big ones so that at least you're doing some kind of damage nonsense. As someone who plays a bard almost exclusively, same hat with legendary resistances. They're nightmares and you gotta tear through them for the big guns.


Does anyone want to see Moonshine cast Foresight on Hardwon for the final boss and then cackle as he has Advantage on EVERYTHING, and a 15% chance to crit with every swing?


Emily, Contagion is really good for getting through legendary resistances.

hunky dory

Thiala could also burn legendary resistances to keep concentration


I think Moonshine was the last one to roll a Nat20 on death saves, Bev rolled one in Shadowfell fighting Ambrose Montgomery. I remember this because Brennan was super hype telling Caldwell he had his entire turn left to act.


Em feel bad that everyone kept asking about counter spell but best option is the moment your close to or under 100 hit points switch to using it over your spores. Also Murph I feel when it comes to bringing the dead back maybe taking a page from full metal alchemist and make it have some sort of equivalent exchange.


Hey Murph, the Expanded Class Features that came out for Unearthed Arcana recently expanded the spell list for some casters, including giving Druids Revivify.


No joke I cook my dice like all the time

Dave Johnson

"I also DM life" Brian Murphy. I need that in an Eat Pray Love style wall ornament

Melon Bread

Gentle Repose also extends the window of Revivify for 10 days.


I thought Balnor wasnt a knight from the deck of many things now? I thought Alanis just pretended he was knight card due to time travel shennanigans?


I have a Wizard and a Warlock in the campaign I DM. My players have learned to just power through them. This last Friday they found my boss had a Int weakness and they just honed in on it with Mental Prison. Anyways, yeah, it's going to be hard with just 1 Spellcaster it'll be hard. There are some low level spells that can give Advantage against enemies or stuff like Charm Monster that can force a save if her Cha save isn't the best. Here's hoping Thiala is more Cleric leaning than Paladin leaning.


Emily, look at your cantrips some of then have saves while it sucks they do nothing on a save it's way to save spell slots.


Murph you were wrong on Hardwon’s number of attacks with action surge at lvl 20. The wording says “you get an extra action and possible bonus action” (up to twice after 17th lvl), so in theory, he could make 20 attacks between 2 turns. I think fighters are good.


Emily, as a spell caster I'd say use your lower spells to burn through them but high enough to scare theala. At the start you dont care about damage so that way theala cant use resistances on bevs smite or hardwons 9 flipping attacks. When those legendaries go out enjoy your normal scheduled program of more spore galore inside the theala store.


No monster with Legendary Resistances is gonna bother using them on a cantrip


Didn’t mean to razz moonshine about conterspell. I will have unwavering faith in the queen of spores/elves/hell from now on and so should all you peasants!lmao. But in terms of legendary resistance burning I recommend using stuff like Sleet Storm which is lower level and can possibly last multiple rounds and would force theala to make a dex save (which I assume is at least not her strongest stat) or fall prone or essentially kneel to moonshine which I bet she would want to avoid at all cost. It also makes a target concentrating on a spell make a concentration check against your spell dc so that’s two saves in one. I think Sleet Storm is the best Druid option for burning those pesky resistances. Anything that’s wisdom or strength I assume she will pass with flying colors. Hope this helps!

Ben Delahay

I’m a divination wizard and the only spellcaster in my campaign. I switch to using my damaging AOEs preferably my lower levels because I focus on Debuffs. I’m almost completely spell save focused (I have a DC of 18 at level 11 because I’m a mad man) so I feel you in your hatred of Legendary Resistances.

Ben Fleuter

Oh that's a great idea since it starts with an attack (which she can't burn a Legendary Resist on) then forces her to make several saves without Moonshine using up her own actions in subsequent rounds. Even if Thiala uses Restoration on herself to end the disease, it's at least taking up the boss's time to do so.


For legendary resistances, spam Faery Fire! I love that spell. It’s only lv 1, can hit multiple enemies, The thinking cap can hold concentration for you, and the whole team gets advantage on attack rolls (against creatures that fail the save) while it’s active. That’ll be killer for Hardwon and Bev if Murph chooses not to resist, and either way it burns a legendary resistance if he does >:)

Zachary Finch

wait couldn’t they just get maveris to fight theala with them? then they wouldn’t have to worry about moonshine’s counterspell


You could have other members of the party that have effects requiring saving throws. I think m'shine is just unlucky that she's the only member that really has spells worth burning resistances for.


You can only ever have one bonus attack per round. So, four attacks with the extra attacks allowed by fighter class, four more with action surge, one bonus attack if he crits with great weapon master. The only way he can get to ten per turn is with Haste.


As a DM this is my suggestion too. Middle of the road stuff that still does damage on a successful save would be enough for me to question if I should use the resistance or not...

Andrey M

I listened to this Short Rest the same way people listen in anticipation for their lottery numbers to be read lol


Are we going to get a Denny in Hell one-shot??? Maybe an Easter special... I would be so into that

Michael Boron

So Emily in response to your question about legendary resistances Polymorph is a great spell to bur resistances


So, if you did need a good narrative reason to ever use that upcoming 9th level true reincarnation, maybe when all is said and done you can use it to bring back Balnor’s family.


With Druids a good way to get arround Legendary Resitance is to turn into a powerful creature and fight with regular attacks instead of Spells. We have a druid in our party that fights as a T-Rex whenever we fight something that seems like it might be resistance heavy. Moonshine can use polymorph to turn into a creature with challage rating equal to or less than her level. So she can already turn into a heavily pregant adult dragon and some pretty powerful heavily pregnant demons. Right now she can become a Marilith, which get a bunch of attacks resitances and can teleport. At level 17 she can become a Goristro or a dragon turtle. At 20 she can become a Balor. Moonshine could call on her boy Pentergreens and use the power of hell to destroy Theala! At lvl 17 you could also take Shapechanging and that way Moonshine can keep her class features while transformed. Which means she can still heal her party if she needs to and probably even use Spores.


Also who doesn't want to see Hardwon riding into battle against Theala on the back of a heavly pregnant dragon moonshine?


Is it possible to use the thinking cap and do a concentration spell that requires Thiala to make saves while saving her tiered spells for later?


Emily, other people have mentioned contagion which I think works well. I also think that there are some low level spells that are worth burning a LR on. Mostly thinking about Hold Person, which will prevent her from using actions or legendary actions. Heat metal used on her armor/weapon might also be worth it, because even if she doesn't take it off then she has disadvantage on attacks and saves for a round.


Only problem is that Thiala probably has very high wisdom and con saves. Most creatures have low int saves so if you have any spells that require intelligence saves then those rock

Foster’s Very Confused Veterinarian

Holy hell do I want a one-shot with Binky, Finky, and Stinky battling against Denny but make it incredibly serious and action-movie like more than anything now


I don’t know if anyone remembers that old anime Zatch Bell but all I can think of now is that if Bev dies Balnor disappears like the demons from that show.


Emily: I also just reread heat metal, and I actually think it's better than hold person. It does auto damage without a save, and can be repeated each turn as a bonus action. (At a 4th level it would be 4d8 each turn) then she has to make a con check against heat metal and then also make a con save to hold connection on any spells. That's two saves per turn plus an average of 5 dmg per level used to cast a spell, all from a bonus action and only one spell slot


Many have mentioned but anything that impacts spell casting modifiers or attack damage is worth a monster using a legendary resistance so things like that of enfeeblement or contagion


I would say, while not the answer you’re looking for, don’t worry about the legendary resistances. Don’t cast spells against Thiala that will make her save because her Wisdom and Con are going to be crazy high. And unless you can give her disadvantage you might end up wasting a turn. I’d only try save spells if it were AOE spells that dealt a lot of damage and half if she saves.


Started listening mid Dec. Chowed thru the eps and now I'M ALL CAUGHT UP!

Noah James Perito

Ways I deal with legendary resistances - playing more of a utility role, burning resistances only after a round where I’ve been able to buff allies


When playing higher level spellcasters against legendary resistances, I found that it was more effective to use 3rd to 5th level spells with AOE damage if possible so that they at least take half damage even if they save, then waiting to use higher level spells. Or just burn high level spells so that if they still take half damage its a lot more than it would be for a low level spell


I know I missed the questions but I’m so curious as a dm, you guys have been through so much from dismantling the nine hells to facing the apocalypse and literal gods, does that make things like fighting barbarians for a magic fork feel trivial?

Jamie Advincula

ok what iffffff........ crop jerseys and pendergreens belly chains in the merch store


Thank you for clearing up the Counter Spell thing.


Caldwell never said his name


A) who the fuck is binky fiasco? B) do we have any info about campaign 2?


Ok does Caldwell regret the Bard level though


He does not have a bard level he took the magic initiate feat and chose bard spells


I need a one off where they fight Demon Prince Denny.

The Silversmith

I shutter and horror at the thought of balnor being cooter instead.


such a good hardwon impression from murph at 34:34ish