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July's Mixed Bag of Holding is going to be a Q&A so leave your questions in the comments below. We're likely recording this Tuesday evening (7/24), so don't delay! 



After this series comes to a close, would you consider switching up roles for a new campaign (AKA like a new DM, etc.)?

Israel Solis

QQ for the direct messenger: would you ever consider giving Hardwon a level or extra feat if Jake ever squats more than you?


What was the white faceless thing trying to do to Hardwon? What would have happened if he had lost the wisdom saving throw?


Question for Jake, Emily, and Caldwell. How did y’all come up with your characters? Class, race, names etc...


Could Ol’ Cobb become a mainstay in the BoB after this arc? Sort of character for Murph?


Would Bev ever pick up a 2nd class, or is his class just too ingrained into his character to be committed to anything more that sweet P himself.


Were there any inspirations for your characters?


Is the Seattle live show going to continue the story or will live shows be more like one off episodes?

Joseph P

Any update on the tee shirts??


Jake, now that you've got some experience with dnd and read some resources. What other classes appeal to your tastes?


Would you guys actually consider doing Short Rests for earlier episodes, or "what-if"/new-game+ episodes where you "redo" an old episode but take it in a completely different direction?


Emily- Do you know when the song “Rosalean”(sorry if I spelt the wrong) is coming out?


Are you guys ever thing about doing something in Texas?


Are you guys planning to continue levelling the band of boobs for a long period, entering them into new sub quests etc, or is there a specific end point to the campaign that you're looking to? If you are planning on a finale, would it be to a real world end date or narrative story end date?


If there was an item that forced a change of race of each of the band of boobs, which race would each member become?


Have you ever considered having a guest come on as the DM instead of as a character?


Does the campaign have a definitive end point in mind? Also are any revival mechanics in play once characters die.


Obviously the main story is incredible, but are there any fun one-shot ideas you want to play? Any chance of Emily DM'ing?!?!


Does Ole Cobb still have feelings for his former flame or will he explore the splendor of Nana KindLeaf. If Ole Cobb was to eventually finish his arc, I think reuniting and falling for Nana would be just.


Was there any strategic thought process between picking your characters races/classes? Where you trying to build out a succesful team or just picking things fun narratively?


Murph- If you were to let someone else dm for a change, what would your character be like?


Have you guys considered doing a graphic novel of your campaign?


If you could go back and change one thing that you've done knowing what you know now what would it be?


Would the bob consider doing a murder mystery one shot campaign


If your character gets killed and you need to re roll a new one what would you pick?


Follow up suggestion: for a bonus series/ep, a short mini series prequel story for Young Cobb. Maybe another for Elias, Red and the SS Stormborn!


First off, I very much look forward to when you all meet back up with Erlin and he's become a fucking badass cleric, best healer boy Second, what are your favorite parts of eachothers and your own characters? and third, the most important thing, does your character prefer being big spoon or little spoon the most or something else? favorite cuddling position is very important info


Do you know who the next guest is going to be?


@murph any advice to new DM's? Any rules you think should be changed for more fun play or stuff you recommend doing like playing music or drawing maps? what does your DM set up look like?


Murph- where do you shop for your dnd handbooks

Jordan Suleiman

2 Qs for all: 1) Which NPC was everyone's personal favorite? 2) Can we expect you guys to revisit Sonic Adventure Metal City Mayhem as a one off? Maybe Jake was the missing link to making these decisions. Or maybe the BoB can help Sonic save the day and overcome his existential crisis via some form of homebrewing?


Q for everyone (incl Murph): If you could change one decision you've made in the campaign so far, what would it be?


@Murph: What kind of characters do you like to play when you aren’t dming?


By the end of the campaign, is the airship going to be like in FF6, where you just have a bunch of potential 4th party members milling about until you decide to take one with you? (Ol' Cobb, Egwene, etc)


I know Hardwon's interest towards drug use has been touched on, but will Moonshine and Beverly do their best to make sure Hardwon doesn't get addicted to R. Cane? I'm worried he might go too far with R. Cane and I might not be able to handle all that =(


Murph, as a DM, how do you come up with all your ideas for the story?


Will you do a stretch goal for reviews and ratings? Desperate for some extra content


Are the bob ever going to go back to moonstone?


@murph what is the most outrageous thing the band of boobs has done that threw you for a loop?


Is the podcast now Murph's full-time job?


One a scale of one to ten how much does everyone want nadpod porn/hentai? I’m sorry.


What would you call the central theme of the campaign?


I’m trying to organize a DND session for me and my friends and none of us have ever played before. Since I’m organizing it I figured I take on the role of DM and I was wondering if you had any advice for a DM whose never played DND ( what kind of “story” to do, good ways to prepare, etc.)?Thanks for all the great content!


Murph, have you ever had to bluff or nerf an enemy or character mid episode or between episodes? And maybe also you could give us some examples from early episodes of things you planned for that never happened


Last question. Who is everyone in the groups favorite character other than themselves?


I think there is something on 8-bit Book Club that goes into their characters! Still a great question for those who might not know.


Will you ever potentially do a live show abroad (...like in the UK)?


I drive back and forth from Western Mass to Pennsylvania every other weekend. I have relistened to the campaign many times. My question is does Bev still have all those teeth he had collected? If so, where is the tooth shield?


@murph Do you plan on any big NPC deaths that will shock the players.


What do you think your character do if granted a Wish spell?


A technical question, because I know nothing of DnD: if the unfortunate event strikes, and a character dies, will the new character you get, be the same level as your old one, or start from level 1? Or does Murph decide that when it happens, so it’s in the best context?


Jake have you ever thought of DMing your own games. If so with you and do you plan on recording


Favorite episode so far??


Usually for myself when a character gets killed i make my players make a character of the same level as everyone else but they cannot be the exact same character as the one that got killed unless they give an awesome backstory that works with the world and story.


Will you ever do another campaign with new characters?


If each character could have access to one spell, what would it be and why?


Would you consider doing any special episodes telling some tales of the Legends of Bahumia, with the players taking on the roles of other characters, such as Mishka and the legendary heroes?


Once the story is finished, do you guys plan on doing another with the same characters? New characters in Bahoomia? New world altogether?


Hey direct messenger and the two crew! Do you have a go-to one shot for curious friends who don't want to commit to a long campaign? Should I create characters for them or let them create beforehand?


at the crick, are all youngins direct decedents of memaw, or are other elves allowed to have youngins together? How long is the gestation period of one baby elf that memaw can have so many? Or are a lot of them just triplets and such? I think about this literally every day


Murph do you have any tips on how to organize my DM info. I’m working on a campaign and it just feels like my head’s gonna explode from all this information!


This one is for Biron Murphiel! Do you write the stories on a weekly basis not knowing where the next week goes or do you have a general outline for the next month or so? Is this how you usually write campaigns?


1. Bev obviously has his beautiful romance with Erlin, but is there going to be any romance on the horizon for Hardwon and Moonshine? (I want my hot magic mushroom mum and strong dad to hook up I'm SORRY) ((kind of related follow up, does fanfic exist for naddpod yet? If so, have you read any? If not, are you hoping there will be?)) 2. For Emily, your music is so great. Does the inspiration for your songs hit you while you're doing the podcast as the scenes are happening or do you come up with them on recall? (P.S. I love Doomsday Diaries, I listen to that album like non-stop)


For brand new starting DMs, can you explain what exactly is in a DM screen and what’s the best one for starting DMs to get?


Murph, what was your original intention for Ol' Cobb? I'm assuming when you first introduced him you didn't expect him to play such a large role in the adventure...or maybe that was your plan all along!?


Murph, have you ever used modules for DMing? Or do you always write your own campaigns?


In an alternate universe where the Band of Boobs had never crossed paths on that fateful day in Moonstone, what would each of your characters be up to?


Do you ever plan on incorporating any members of the council of elders into the plot? I'm thinking cameos, nothing major that will really affect the plot.


What's your favorite thing that your or someone else's character has done that was definitely a mistake, but also you don't regret happened? I joined my first campaign recently and my idiot ranger, their first time meeting, accidentally shot one of her party members in the shoulder with an arrow, and while my character deeply regrets this whoopsie, me and my friend who plays the character that got shot thought it was really funny.


If each of you, in real life, could learn one D&D spell, what would it be? (excluding the wish spell)


if your character would die what would the new ones be and why?


I'm always amazed that the BOB can do something completely out there that seems to fit perfectly (and be almost requisite) for the plot. Murph, has there ever been a time where you weren't sure you could fit the shenanigans into the plot? How do you work around completely unexpected occurrences?


What do you do for prep, as a dm Also just like any all purpose dm advise for a first timer

Andrew durham

What are you guys most nervous about for the first live show? Also is middleditch a possible future guest?


What is your favorite character you have played in a tabletop rpg campaign?


Which character do you think is more likely to die due to a crime of passion?


Story daddy, do you have any bit of the end game planned out yet (like final confrontations, characters returning, or locations) or will it all depend on where the Band of Boobs take the story?

Jeffrey Steck, Lord of the Fjord

Emily - you currently have 10 spell slots and 3 cantrips for Moonshine?!? Are the cantrips unlimited use while the slots can only be used once a day? If you want to use a spell more, can u stock the same spell in multiple slots? Does Caldwell/Bevs spells work the same way and how many does he have?


What was one of your most devastating losses in a D&D game, PC death, equipment loss or otherwise?


Jake, I know you said in a recent short rest that Jill was interested in playing. Is there any possibility of her coming on as a guest? It would be interesting and pretty funny if she played a former or current love interest of Hardwon.

Jeffrey Steck, Lord of the Fjord

Can Druids identify with more than one circle? Circle of the Moon can wild shape into elementals!?!?!?


If any of your characters were rendered unplayable (permanently injured, trapped or dead), would you make a completely different character? Or would you guys make a clone to fill your role within the group like hardones twin hardbuns surefoot the squat god?


When running NPCs like Ol' Cobb or any other NPC that has to contribute to combat and the story, how much do you change the die rolls to not take away from the players? And Murph, do you enjoy playing a character as well as DMing?


Does Hardwon still have Galad's head? Also, what other random items do the Band of Boobs still have?


I've been doing a bit of podcasting myself. How do you guys rarely say "like" and "um"? Is it just a conscience thought, or do you never say it anyway?


Who is your dream guest? My vote is Michelle Obama. You guys should contact her people and get her on the pod


Caldwell, was it always your intention to make Beverly a LGBT character? Or was that something that kind of progressed naturally as the story went. Either way love the inclusion in the story.


Now that Hardwon and Beverly both have named weapons, will Moonshine name her scimitar or new trident? If so, what would be some potential names?


Question for Murph: how do you balance letting your players have fun and bending the rules a bit while still keeping the game mechanics fair and challenging?


I know they are supposed to be answering the questions, but in case they dont get to this one I will gladly explain! The way spell slots work is like a mana pool. You have so many spells "memorized" for the day, and the spell slots are ways they can cast then and drain their "mana". It's the equivalent to having arrows in a quiver that regenerates with rest. Otherwise spell casters would be really unbalanced and would just be a glass cannon from level one. They can use any spell that they have memorised for the day by expending a slot. When she talks about the "level" of the spell slot, that is talking about a different level of power that is required to cast a spell at. Some spells require higher level spell slots but often do better things. They can even cast their lower level spells through higher spell slots for greater effects. As spell casters level up, they get more spell slots of lower and higher quality. So she has 10 now but will likely end up with around 26. And yes! You were correct about cantrips. Unlimited use, but still takes one action to do.


Question to Murph. I am a long time player, but new to Direct Messaging. I am currently dealing with a player that loves to play, but consistently tries to over throw my story telling to the newer players by being "that guy" (the know it all rules lawyer). How do I prevent this from happening without being a huge dick about it?

Michael McDougall

Was just about to ask this, with more people than ever like Vin Diesel making their love for D&D known, and the increase in popularity of shows like Critical Roll, who would be each of your dream guest. (and my vote would go to just Caldwell doing his Adam Driver impersonation)

Michael McDougall

I'm thinking Hospitality for the scimitar and as for the trident I'd say The Niles Delta


Question for Murph: how much of Ol' Cobb's back story was planned when you originally created his character? I think you mentioned in a short rest that he was originally intended to give more information on the widow, but now we know all about his history with Jolene and Mirabelle. Was this always the case, or did you add more depth to his backstory when the boobs decided to make him a party member?


Also, when Nana and Ol' Cobb get married, and if Bev and Erlin get married someday, Ol' Cobb will become Beverlin's grandad. Just sayin'.


Questions for Murph: Since the characters are such an integral part of the podcast and they love some shenanigans, do you find yourself twisting the rules or the rolls to ensure they don't die? How much longer are the sessions compared to the edited version we hear?


1) what’s your advice to a new player? I’m playing an elf ranger for the first time because of this podcast (who will have a raccoon named Oliver)


2) If you each had to play as someone else’s character (body swapish) who would you pick?


Why haven't Hardwon and Moonshine hooked up yet?


Any chance we might get a second campaign going with someone like Emily dm'ing with new players as well?


How long does one of your dnd sessions last? For instance when i play with my group we play for 4 hours. Or do you just record as much as possible on that day you play?


In the next campaign, if one of the band of boobs was to become the main baddy, who would it be and why?


Question to the DM: Since the Mad Gnoll was described as a dog-pig-man-thing, are the Gnolls in your world different from the hyena-men in vanilla DnD? Or was this a case of the characters not having knowledge of hyenas and gnolls?


Will we ever get a DM guide for the adventures you guys have been on? The galaderon saga and the bubble saga seem like they would be real fun to play

Michael McDougall

Bev will continue to grow stronger with the intent of being able to better protect Erlin, but will soon become too powerful and accidentally kill Erlin which will drive him insane. (essentially an Anakin/Padme situation)

Michael McDougall

Can August's Mixed Bag of Holding be a playthrough of Metal City Mayhem with Jake?


Question for Daddy: Was the naming of Mirabelle - former lover of blunderbuss-totin' Ol' Cobb - inspired by the RPG Jade Empire, in which you obtain a blunderbuss *named* Mirabelle?


Question for the amazing DM: Have you ever come across a situation where your players completely failed at progressing the plot forward, like they killed someone and didn't get necessary information out of them or if they had bad case of the 2 crew and pass necessary checks to progress the story? Do you quickly try to add another plot point to help them get back on track? Ignore their fails? Question for Beverly:


Question for Beverly: any chest hair yet bud? Toe? Arm?..... armpit?


Jake, can you talk a little bout how and to what extent Hardwun identifies himself as Elias Stromborn II? Do you think there's an inner storm brewing (pun intended) as his uprbringing was in every way imaginable completely contradictory to how his parents lived their lives? Where's he at right now concerning the whole revelation?


Question for everyone: if you could change one critical decision you all made (after learning the consequences), what would it be?


Can you talk about what the widow's character arc would have been?


Do you guys all agree with the drawings you have seen of your characters or do you have something entirely different in mind?


If you had the chance, is there anything you would have changed with your characters?


Do you guys have any ideas for second characters should any of the current band of boobs bite the bullet?


Are there any decisions you've made during the campaign that you regret?


What food did Hardwon eat before he got addicted to Moonshines crick cooking?


What happens if a character dies at the start of a session? Do you have back ups ready or do they just sit quietly and think about their mistakes for the rest of the session?


Is there any issues with taking a little artistic ingenuity in writing a short story off shoot? I have an idea in mind and want to roll with it but I don’t want to step on any beard hairs or halflings. It’s mainly for my own entertainment and I’d send it to naddpod to critique as well.


How's Galad's head doing? Is it starting to rot? Have any critters secretly taken residence in it since the BoB entered the Crick?


What animal familiars would Hardwon and Beverly have? And if she hadn’t had a possum what animal would Moonshine have?


Will the Band ever play a true gig? Also, will Paw-Paw ever obtain lil possum armor?!


What would each of your characters' favorite movies be? (if they had movies in Bahumia)


What first got you into DnD? Did you guys listen to other DnD podcasts like The Adventure Zone or Critical Role/ do you guys have a favorite?


My god so many questions


Everyone but muph: have you had any theories that came true. Murph: have any of their theories or fan theories been surprisingly close? How do you react to that?


Have you guys considered taking a page out of the McElroy's book, or Caldwell's Drawga series (which I'm still highly anticipating), by incorporating fan made items into the campaign? Would love to see what nods your fans can make to your other content. For example (not very well thought out and just from the top of my head) a Metal City Mayhem book that when activated, sends the user into a rage and adds a +2 bonus to attack rules for the duration. Or perhaps a fake Paul Blart mustache, that when worn adds +1 to sneak checks.