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Hi Everyone,
I'm getting back into the groove after some much needed family time over the holidays.

If you're new here, PLEASE check out the Start Page, It'll help make sense of things.

This week, look out for:

The weekly live lesson tomorrow (and every Tuesday) at 4PM Pacific time

Office Hours Weekly live Q&A this Thursday (and every Thursday) at 10AM. Feel free to ask me a question here ahead of time. You can always watch later if you can't watch live.

The biweekly Community Challenge a short time after Office Hours, lets say noon this week.

I'm also excited to say that I'm meeting up with some new bandmates on Thursday to prepare to start playing some shows this year. I'll keep you posted on that process as it unfolds.

Thanks for being here!

Also, in the ongoing saga of Patreon issues, keep looking out for issues on Android AND it looks like certain chrome extensions (like ad blockers or anti-trackers) have been causing problems for some Patreon users.



New here, where do I find the Tuesday and Thursday streams?

Tim Ostrowsky-Thomas

Hi Scott - new here. I can’t seem to get info on connecting to the community via the link in the welcome email. I wanted to ask if someone could advise me on where to start on the following, feel free to skip the blow but how do I connect to the community so I can ask this advice? I’m a professional solo artist (acoustic music, stomp box, harmonica and guitar etc.) recently joined a band, lots of songs I know acoustically but that need to be translated into a full band setting. - need help with strumming patterns and rhythm - more intermediate music theory (I know scales, and basics like half step whole step) etc. - any tips on learning lots and lots of song (structures) faster. As I’m a solo artist, I have been stuck in my ways with a few of them. Not sure if I’m in the right place but I do love your content and teaching style so I thought I’d give it a go. thanks!