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Hi Everyone,

I've been out of town on a little family vacation and this week I've got a writing session with my band Hot Bodies in Motion, so we'll be back to regular programming on the week of the 8th.

What is regular programming? This is:

Tuesdays at 4PM Pacific Time: Live Lesson on a topic of my choice, unless a lot of people request a lesson on the same thing!

Thursdays at 10AM Pacific Time: Live Q&A Office Hours - I answer any questions you might have about anything. Comment your questions on the Office Hours post for each week, or here on the community forum.

Every other Thursday after Office Hours I post a new Community Challenge. These are writing prompts that give the community the opportunity to actually write music and see other people's submissions.

Happy New year! I’ll see you soon!



Happy New Year, Scott! Loving what I heard from your HBIM page there. All the best, Emma

Dan Chaytor

Belated HNY from Wellington, New Zealand. My first foray into the world of Patreon.