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Hi Everyone,

Here are the questions for this week:

Ray F asked a few questions about keys: mainly, how many keys actually are there?

Doh-Ray-Me asked what defines an intermediate and advanced guitar player - AND asked about clarification on what makes a minor chord.

Sarah May just completed my Music Theory for Guitar course and was wondering where to focus next.

Daniel asked some questions related to jamming - how to quickly figure out where to put your hand when someone tells you the key - and some related questions

Jeff had some questions about mixing - I spent a huge chunk of time on compression

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OFFICE HOURS 128 | Tuesday, July 25, 10AM


Scott Paul Johnson

Daniel Torres from last week said: Hey Scott, hope all is well! I’ll get right to the point, when playing with my band I sometimes get confused about what to play in improvise lead when they shout a key for me to play in. Is there an easy way to figure out where to put my hands when someone tells me a key? I’m probably making it more complicated than it is. Also, I have two hours a day (6-8pm) every day that I want to practice, could you help me make a practice schedule so I know what I’m doing when I practice? Sometimes it’s time to practice and I have no idea where to begin. I also want to practice being able to just play within the boundaries of each key so how could I practice that?

Daniel Torres

Adding to this: I feel like I understand chords and going into the keys somewhat but It just takes me so long to figure out where to go on the fretboard. I just want to make it so that I just know what key to go in right away without having to think much about it.

Scott Paul Johnson
