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Hey Everyone,

Luke and I have been working on this video for YouTube for a few months and we think it's finally ready. It's intended to help people see the trajectory of leveling up your solos,

I'll be releasing it publicly sometime soon, but I wanted to drop it for my Patrons beforehand. Feel free to open the video on YouTube and leave a comment!

Here is the handy practice page: https://www.scottpauljohnson.com/5levels

For those of you who made a Patreon review video, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I will definitely use them, but it didn't work out to use them for this youtube video after all. If you'd like to make a video review of my Patreon for either website use or a future youtube video, here is the community forum post detailing what I'm looking for. Reviews like this make a huge difference to me so thank you again.

YouTube videos are tricky because I want to teach a full concept, but I would also like people to know that I have SO MUCH for them to learn over here on my Patreon. I also need a video to be constantly engaging so the algorithm likes it, otherwise no one will end up seeing it. If anyone is actually interested in the ins and outs of making YouTube videos, you can ask me on a live Q&A.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this video. Getting sick messed up my plans, but I'm still working to get a new Patreon video out next week.

Hope you all are feeling good! I also hope I didn't forget anything - my sick brain isn't 100% right now.

Other helpful links: Scott's Recommended Lesson PlanSearchable Lesson ArchiveHow to Join the Community ForumScott's Jam TracksSPJ Live YouTube ChannelScott's Main YouTube Channel


Level 1 Pentatonic
Level 2 Full Scale
Level 3 Chord Tones
        Em Chord Triad
        D Chord Triad
        C Chord Triad
Level 4 7ths and 9ths
        Em Chord 7ths and 9ths
        D Chord 7ths and 9ths
        C Chord 7ths and 9ths
Level 5 Chromatic
        Em Chord Chromatic
        D Chord Chromatic
        C Chord Chromatic 


Guitar Solos | Beginner to Advanced in 5 Levels (with practice jam tracks)

Visit https://www.scottpauljohnson.com/5levels to easily pause and practice each section with a jam track. If you like my lessons, you'll love my online school. I'm offering a free 7 day trial right now! Learn more at https://www.scottpauljohnson.com/patreon or just go sign up at https://www.patreon.com/ScottPaulJohnson I'm got more lessons on guitar soloing, music theory, how to write music, and just generally how to be a good musician. It's so fun. We've got a weekly Q&A where Patrons can ask me anything and over 200 lessons uploaded so far. Come check it out. This video was edited by my friend Luke at https://www.pinehillstudios.com/ Check out his band Midnight High: https://www.midnighthighband.com/ Also, check out my band Hot Bodies in Motion: https://www.hotbodiesinmotion.com/ Here is a cool music video we worked really hard on, too: https://youtu.be/mM66MF425HA Dear Algorithm, Thanks for watching this lesson about guitar solos, and how to solo on guitar, and other guitar solo related guitar solo tutorial type words that might help you recognize that I'm trying to teach beginners and intermediate guitar players how to solo. Wether its a guitar solo overview, or a guitar solo how-to, and a step by step guitar solo demonstration, or something. These are just words so that you, google, will definitely know that these are 5 levels of how to solo on guitar, from beginner guitar solos, to intermediate guitar solos, to advanced guitar solos. This video helps you understand the concept of guitar solos AND gives you ways to practice guitar solos. Pentatonic guitar solos, full scale guitar solos, chord tone targeting solos, jazz solos, professional solos. Thank you, algorithm, for reading this and seeing what I'm trying to do. Best of luck with all your equations and stuff. Please help people find this video. Thanks bro, Scott


Bill MacDonald

Whew! This is like the crescendo of where your CAGED II lessons lead to. I must confess my brain is breaking a little bit when I'm adding the full scale notes for some of the shapes, even after completing your lessons. For years and years I've had patterns memorized so I do know where to fill them for some of them just by memory. I am trying to wean myself off that pattern knowledge that has been burned into my head. I still get confused with the shape names as they are changed by bringing in the relative minor so it really is a matter of going over and over it again. No complaints, it's why I came here, to be a smarter player, and because I haven't posted for a while but to let you know I'm still here and loving your lessons.


Scott you are brilliant, but what makes one as me to follow you is your humble approach to your talents, and exceptional teaching methodology and manner! Thank you!