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Hi Everyone,

Question 1 from Tristan boils down to this idea of mixing major and minor scales in a blues situation - I gave a basic blues lesson and explained a range of scales you might find in a blues situation, including the magical mixing of major and minor scales.

Question 2 from Jeff was about exporting (called Bouncing) a track out of Logic Pro X

Question 3 - Keith was asking about fretting hand technique to avoid unwanted string noise up by the 15th fret.

Question 4 - Mason wanted to know how I developed my thumb independence to learn songs like Windy and Warm 

There were a few other nice questions at the end - Continue the conversation on the community forum.

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OFFICE HOURS 117 | Friday, April 28th, 10AM Pacific Time


Holly Croydon

Hey, Scott! I’m about to start driving home so I can’t comment but I’m listening!


Hey Scott, you've played windy and warm before... can you talk about your learning process/experience and developing thumb independence?