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Hi Everyone,

Here were the questions, linked to the appropriate timestamp:

Sirot was wondering about two things: chord substitution and secondary dominants.

Mark was looking for tips on how to pick up the rhythm of a song AND how to create stronger melodies.

Ray was looking for practice advise about switching chords, especially the tricky ones. Ray, you had another question I missed about how much you should be looking at the neck when you play guitar. My answer: A LOT. ENOUGH TO HAVE A CLEAR CLEAR MENTAL PICTURE OF WHAT YOUR HANDS ARE DOING! Then, you can practice gradually looking away as long as you know that your hands are doing what you want them to do.

Jeff wanted to know how I craft my guitar tones

Graeme liked my recommendation of listening to Leo Kottke and asked for more music to listen to.

BazLightyear wanted to know what to move on to the next lesson in MTFG

Alo asked for some basic daily exercises

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OFFICE HOURS 106 | Weds, Jan 25, 3PM Pacific Time


Mark Riley

Hi Scott, couple of questions if thats ok? 1. The breakdown you did of the Sound of Music was excellent, the way you used scales to work out the chords really helped. Just wondering, you seemed to pick up the rhythm for it naturally, any tips for how to do this when there are no drums? maybe even no guitars either? (but with orchestration etc?) 2. Do you have any tips for writing "stronger" melodies? ive heard a few lately, namedly - dont use too many root notes, when singing over chords (hope that made sense) Again, the lessons you posted on this subject are a huge help, i just wondered if there was any - go too - tips you had?

Jeff Sanders

Hey Scott, I would love to hear your thoughts on guitar tone, how you craft your sound into or on the computer and what you do live. Thanks