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Hi Everyone,

This week's Community Challenge is: Write a chord melody

A chord melody is honestly kind of a silly name for it, because all you're doing is playing a melody and chords simultaneously.

I give a few ideas in the video but the ideas break down like this:

You could either:
1. Write a simple melody, then find chords in the key to play over each note of the scale
2. Start as above, but add chords only to some of the notes of the melody
3. Write a melody to be played between chords

Keep it simple! The simpler your melody is, the more room you have to add chords!

You might need the note name scratch paper attached below and linked here.

Post your creations on the community forum!

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Community Challenge Sept 11


Donnie Marhefka

im dumb! I just don't understand any of this? ugh! So the melody notes you play C, B, A & E, so are those the same chords you use C chord,B chord , A chord & E chord?

Kristofer Mc Cormack

You could play any chord in the c scale with those notes in it. For example, you could pair the C note with a C major chord, an A minor chord (because c is the third note in an A minor chord) or an F major chord etc.

Tasha McManus

Ah, now that I watched the video I see that you were suggesting something different than what I did. Oh welp, mine was much harder for me and a skill I’ve been wanting to work on😄